Chapter 47: The Smartest Person In The Room

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Had I known this was how the evening would turn out, I definitely wouldn't have brought Phoenix here

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Had I known this was how the evening would turn out, I definitely wouldn't have brought Phoenix here. I really felt guilty for the way the night transpired, considering we'd barely had time to talk to each other in the past weeks.

But as the evening continued, Phoenix visibly relaxed as he talked to Chris, who sat at the short end of the table to his right. I was really damn proud of him for being this open about this situation, for not sulking in the corner the rest of the night as he could've done.

It felt like he actually made an effort to talk to people — or, well, to Chris and Jin —, even though I could tell he still wasn't comfortable. His brows were slightly furrowed, and the smile he occasionally shot in his friend's direction didn't quite reach his eyes. He was still stunning as hell, just not as convincingly as usual.

"Ayo, Nyx!" Liam Drexler's voice tore my eyes away from the beautiful man to my right, who instantly squeezed my hand beneath the table. Our fingers had been intertwined the entire night, and he only let go of me to scratch Rimmy's ears, who'd been lying quietly in my lap. Poor thing was exhausted.

"Drexler." I focused back on the person in front of me and nodded a greeting, trying to ignore his curious stare. I'd ignored him for most of the night, as I'd done during my time with Azure Racing in general. Luckily, he'd been occupied most of the evening, talking to some guy I'd seen before, but couldn't quite figure out where. I'd been wanting to ask Phoenix about it, but both of us had been so engulfed in our conversations that it never came up.

But all that had to wait, because Liam Drexler currently made his way over to us, both hands hidden behind his back as he appeared at our table. "I wanna make a bet."

I watched with raised brows as he conjured a Jenga set from behind his back, the blocks falling onto the table, some sliding off of it.

"We'll play Jenga." He grinned and took a seat opposite me. "I bet you can't beat me."

I tried. I really tried not to... But I couldn't stop the laugh that escaped my throat.

"I will not make that bet, Drexler."

He tapped his fingers on the table before taking a drag from his e-cigarette, causing the rest of the crowd to cough and turn away from him. "Why not?" Liam asked, a cocky smirk on his lips.

Shaking my head, I watched how he collected the blocks, slowly arranging them into a tower.

"'Cause I'm not making unfair bets."

"Oh, so you know you'll lose?"

"No," I replied instantly, unable to hide the grin on my lips. "I know I'll win."

Liam surprised me when he laughed out loud, the smile on his face almost genuine. "Let's do it, then."

I stared at him for a long moment, wondering where he's going with this. "What's the wager?" I asked, suddenly intrigued.

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