Chapter 35: Familia

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The familiar gate opened with a quiet buzz, and I drove up the driveway, taking in the scenery

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The familiar gate opened with a quiet buzz, and I drove up the driveway, taking in the scenery. Rimmy followed my notion and glanced out the window with curious eyes.

"It's pretty, huh?" I chuckled, ruffling his ears as I stopped the car in front of the garage.

His snout was pressed to the windowpane and he huffed, eyeing the front door warily. "Woof?"

"That's home, yeah," I answered his questioning bark with a laugh.

Stepping out of my car, I walked over to Rimmy's side, who jumped out the second I opened the door for him. He landed straight on his face, underestimating the height of my electric car, as he always did.

After helping him back up and adjusting his wheels, we made our way over to the door, where Rimmy already sped up the ramp I'd installed all those years ago. I smirked at the memory of that certain piece of metal beneath my feet, but shrugged it off when the door opened right in front of me.

"Flor!" Mom greeted me with her signature smile, the potency of it as always taking my breath away. She was the most beautiful woman walking this earth to me, even — or especially — now that grey strands graced her dark hair. Her naturally tanned skin glimmered in the morning sun, and I beamed at the happiness in her green-blue eyes when she pulled me in for a hug. "I did not expect you this early! I thought you said lunch?"

I shrugged and squeezed her tightly, bathing in her motherly warmth. "I couldn't sleep and figured I might as well just start driving. Hope that's okay."

"Naturalmente," she hummed, kissing my cheek. "Come in, we can—"

"Rroof!" Rimmy's bark interrupted our exchange, and Mom jumped a little, glancing behind me to find the culprit.

"Who is—Oh!" She spotted him between her feet, where Rimmy now looked up at her, mouth twitched up into a smile. I never knew if dogs actually smiled, but it certainly looked like it to me, so this would be my reality. He smiled.

"Oh, yeah." I laughed, bending down to pick him up. "This is our newest family member. Rimmy, this is Isla Navarrez, aka Mom. Mom, this is Rimmy."

My mother looked from the dog to me, wide eyes telling me I'd have to tell her this story with every detail later on. "Rimmy?"

The name sounded even prettier with her Spanish accent. "Yes, Rimmy. He's... special."

"I can see that." She laughed her motherly laugh, cautiously reaching out for him. I appreciated her questioning gaze and nodded in response, telling her she could pet him if she'd liked. I had a feeling Rimmy wouldn't mind her touch, and my suspicions were confirmed when he met her halfway with closed eyes, letting her scratch his ears.

Something about the way he leaned into her touch warmed my heart — and Mom's too, apparently. She beamed at the pup, leaning over and using both hands to give him the best scratches possible.

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