Chapter 31: New Beginnings

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My whole life, I loved watching the night. The way the stars glimmered in the sky would always take my breath away, would calm my chaotic soul. The moon was hiding from me today, but I still felt it, knew it was the best company I'd get. It always lingered in the distance, helped to illuminate the earth at its most peaceful time.

Only the flickering street lights distracted from the beauty above, and I sighed as my focus redirected at the path ahead of me; the Castro district of San Francisco. My fingers tightened around the tiny aloe vera plant in my hand, its clay pot a reminder that I might be a skilled mechanic, but not a great pottery maker.

It was beautiful in its own way, though. Imperfectly perfect.

The vibrating phone in my other hand startled me out of my thoughts and I glanced down, smiling at my friend's text.

Missed your call - everything good?

Broke up with Tay, I replied instantly. Can I crash at yours'?

As expected, it didn't take long before her message chimed in. That's why you got a spare key, isn't it? ;) If only her husband knew about that. Hah. You okay though? I can leave if you wanna get wasted. This award show is so fucking boring. What followed was an eye-roll emoji that made me snort, the image of her doing the exact thing filling my mind.

Didn't he get the damn award already, anyway? I remember her telling me about that last year. And I'm good, really. Just want to sleep.

He did. The fucker is persistent, though. Her text chimed in seconds later. You can crash on the couch. Or the bed. It's comfy.

Ew, hell no! I laughed while walking down the street, eyes focused on the screen as I took the next corner. No way in hell am I sleeping in your bed. You guys fuck like rabbits — I don't want to catch anything.

Fuck you. Another eye-roll emoji. Just make yourself at home. But stay away from the gin. That shit was expensive,

"Gin it is, then..." I muttered with a chuckle. Got it, boss. Thanks.

The large studio to my left told me I was close to my destination, but I crossed the street, curiosity getting the better of me. With my palms cupped around my eyes, I glanced through the window. Black and white photographs graced the wall, most of them showing professional athletes posing for the camera. Many of them were half naked, but none of them seemed cheap, or like the goal of the image was to sell their bodies. It was about positivity, about being one with yourself, and standing up for who you want to be.

I'd always known she was talented, but this studio showed just how much effort went into her career, into getting her the life she'd always dreamed of.

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