Chapter 1-A New Dawn

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Early morning school...Most people greatly disapprove of it but for me its the best time of the day; no signs of cars or humans, the sweet humming of birds singing to the rustling of leaves, the first rays of the sun.....beautiful. It was the same place, yet it seemed so different, just as if the world had remodelled itself for me. I stepped out of the bus carrying my heavy school bag on my drooping shoulders through the steel gate into what I despise most; school. The twisted shadow it cast along the sidewalk was a ghastly sight, similar to the cliched mansion from the movies where danger lurked in each corner. How ironic.

The shrill ringing of the bell reverberated through the yard as soon as I took my first step in; joining the clumps of people herding together heading to their classrooms. When would this school change? I mean, there was nothing new. The usual segregation of teenagers was very much still there; the mathematical geniuses and nerdy sudoku players grouped together under the large oak tree, the artistic crowd carrying bulky canvas' and discussing ideas for their next masterpieces near the art hall, the sporty squad with their aloof attitudes standing in the field where all the wannabes would surround them and continue to idealize them. I too, had to to be careful, I reminded myself as I turned my gaze straight ahead towards the main campus door, flocked with a mass of crowds as I jostled between the unflinching barrier of people. Majority of the girls looked like photocopies of each other as they giggled, twirling their hair and watching the boys, who in return observed them, blushing. Most just stood by, the very sight of a so-called 'pretty' girl making them cringe while the few, popular guys who were brave enough would approach the girls and start a conversation, reeking of deodorant and clearly flirting in return. Honestly, who believes in all of this "crushing" business. All of it is just made up beeswax, at least it is to me. People are cruel and that's that in my mind; they judge each other based on skin tones, accents, money, vanity and literally everything. Well even if there are some good people out there, I've still not met them, that is if they still exist.

After being herded in by the sour faced school staff, everyone quickly scurried up to their classrooms engrossed in each other. Some girls had even gotten their conquests to carry their weightless, empty bags up the steps for them. No one ever offered to carry my bag, even though it must have been the heaviest one out of all of them, since studying had been of least importance at Sunridge. I did not even need any of these rotten people's help anyways, at least I have enough self-respect to carry my own bag upstairs, I sighed as the sight of the outstrectched staircase within the hall made my heart beat faster. I ABSOLUTELY hated stairs.
My strenuous attempt in scaling the staircase was successful, causing me to pant heavily as I heaved the duffel to the top floor with the support of my aching back. I made it to my classroom 11-Z which was full of classmates.

Gently placing my bag on the grimy floor, I performed a perimeter scan of the area. The grey paint on the walls had gained some colour; a whole lot of black scribbles that included names, hashtags and even insults, but everything else was still its frustrating self; even the other's methods of ignoring me, refusing to even steal a glance towards me let alone take up a chair amongst the four empty ones on my table. They pretended as if I did not even exist, that my presence was nonexistent ever since I had joined school in junior year. All of them have played their parts in making my life hell through the subtlest of ways, and it has continued for so long that now I do not even feel any emotion towards it anymore. Everything in this school is harmonized into forming the black and white world where all is one and one is all which will no doubt continue even after I graduate and grow up.

"Listen class we have a new student, so please welcome him etc, etc." Poor kid does not know where he has landed, my conscience joined in. As our teacher lazily mumbled, the boy sneaked out of her shadow, gracefully walking through the class with his chin held up high. His tall, lean body, one that easily defeated the popular boys' much acclaimed builds glided through the narrow columns between the desks, his strong broad shoulders carrying the bag as if it were nothing while his sharp jaw, his tempered face and confident expression created a wave of gasps amongst the others. He was heading right till the end of the classroom where all the cool kids sat; he will obviously be accepted by them, since he is the exact kind of guys they select. Typical.
Just as he was halfway through the classroom, he turned towards my desolate corner of the airy room and sat right next to me. Something inside me burst into flames, my usually uncontrollable temper rising; I mean, how dare he come and sit next to me? Is he trying to humiliate me further? The gazes of my classfellows already turned towards me, some in shock while others in pure contempt. This angered me further, adding to the thought of how obnoxious and rude he must be just like the others....But, Mom says that I should give people a chance before being so quick to judge them. Grunting quite audibly, I turn my face to him as he slowly turns his to mine, and that was the first time our eyes met.
Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter and continue to read forward. Just remember that I love it when you guys vote and comment on my story! If you have any questions or ideas, you can always tell me and I'll answer you when I can!

Photo credits for each chapter's cover photo go to Aliya Imran; she's an amazing photographer so don't forget to check out her account on instagram called imranaliya for awesome daily updates. Thanks ^_^

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