Chapter 5-Dreams

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It was a very dark and dreary night, with no stars to light up the night sky nor the Moon's complacent face to stare down on the dark world. The continuous beating of my heart was the only sound in the infinite silence, and my legs' broad strokes was the only movement in empty vacuum. The dark never managed to frighten me, but the thought of losing my ability to see the surrounding world scared me the most; to be blind and helpless in a colourless, bleak world. I continue running into an empty yet endless void, until a bright spark emerged, hacking through the shrouding darkness. I dashed even faster towards it soon panting heavily, desperately trying to rejoin the warm rays of light. Yet, the closer I grew, the further away the light moved, as if trying to escape my grasp. Exerting a final force of my remaining energy, I heaved myself forward, and extended my hand to touch the light, now soon in my hands.
I jerked upwards, disoriented. My bed's spring mattress was vibrating tremendously causing it to rise and fall with great force. I quickly placed my hand on my heart; the rhythm was the same as the one in my dreams, even my legs were painfully aching as if I had been running...wait, was the dream real?What was happening? BANNNG! A sharp light flickered for a millisecond followed by the loud, frightening sound of an explosion. A storm must be going on, I thought after more echoing sounds of thunder followed. As sudden as the flickering light of lightning flooding through my window, my room door flung open as my mother burst in, causing my heart to skip a beat as I gazed at her panic stricken face. "Darling are you alright?". Her hands shakely began checking for any bruises, "Did you know, a bolt of lightning has hit a tree in the park next to our house!? Well thankfully  you're ok, but I'm not sending you to school today."
"No, Mom! I'm alright, see?" I gestured  but was soon cut off, "no Nara. Its dangerous!" Realizing that she was about to make up her mind and refuse, I tightly held her hand, my heated and determined grip hopefully explaining how important it was,"Please Mom, I really have to go to school! Its important that I do!" She raised one arched eyebrow at me in suprise, hardly able to believe what I said. I gave her a lopsided smile, hardly able to believe what I myself just said! I mean, everyone in my family knew how much I detested school, so I wouldn't blame her if she didn't believe me.
She gave a long, puzzled expression wondering whether I had gone mad (maybe I am mad, now that you think about it), then gently asked me with a hint of confusion in her voice, "But Nara you've never gone to school willingly before....and now you're pleading to go in this stormy weather?"
"Yes, Yes! Its actually that..." I paused, wondering whether to tell her, but finally submitted with a sigh, "I found a new friend at school, so I don't want him to get lonely or bullied if I'm not there!" Man, Nathan has really made me sound like an emotional  loser. He owes me big time. Now everyone will think that I've changed into one of those 'softies', that I've lost my imposing, tough-gal image. Now that I think about it...yes, I have changed. I mean, going to school willinglyIt was so unlike me...was it because of Nathan? Lost in thought, I had almost forgotten that the situation ended with an awkward silence. "So....can I go?" I ventured further, breaking the silence.
She merely smiled, giving the 'You're to stubborn to deal with but have it your way' smile and have her approval. "Alright, you can go, but hurry up then! You're getting late Nara! Quickly change out of the PJs, we don't want to keep your friend waiting!" Her sunny smile, and rushing tone once again appeared, filling the room with instant warmth despite the damp conditions outside. My heart started racing. I mean, I don't even know why I feel so happy! I mean, it is a little exciting that its raining, and most probably, Nathan has never even seen rain before!
Lost in daydreams, I quickly got dressed, waved goodbye to Mom and dashed into the bus, my feet splashing in the enormous puddles. But, as soon as I settled in the half-empty bus a hit of realization came to me. Why on Earth would Nathan even come to school today?

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