Chapter 2- Contact

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Although it was only for a millisecond, his gaze seemed to last forever. Our eyes subtley crossed into interlinking paths and locked together; his dark brown corneas focusing into mine, as if trying to see through my soul. His eyes were a shade of dark chocolate brown although they seemed pitch black when I looked into them, vast and expansive, bold and limitless, almost as if I could get lost in their mysterious folds. The twinkle in his eyes from the reflection of the overhead tube lights seemed more like stars revolving within the ever expanding universe, shining even in the darkest of nights. Everything around us had melted away, just as a nightmare would when you wake up from its devastating clutches. His eyes released some hidden, long ago locked away grief within me, a kind of which I had trained myself to keep forgotten and bound. Yet, they also provided my aching heart with the sudden wave of absolute serenity; slowing my breathing, absolutely clearing my mind of any worldly thought I had at that moment. His gaze was one I wished to never pull away from.

BANG. A girl suddenly sat on my table, causing me to jerk back violently. "Ah... Hello there Nathan! Welcome to Sunridge high school! I'm sure you know me; everyone does after all, I'm Raina!"As soon as I came to my senses and heard that artificial, sunny voice, I knew who it was in an instant; Raina. This girl is a mean girl, a very mean girl. Not only does she try to socially degrade me through her absurd false rumors, but she even has the guts to try to get me in trouble with the teachers, even though her schemes usually fail miserably or are put off by her fear from my overwhelming anger. She looked towards me with an evil grin as she put on her "cute face". Everyone fell for that face; girls, boys, even the teachers. I closed my eyes, ready for the boy to get up and leave but to both of our surprises, he simply, softly stated, "Good lady Raina, I would accept you're kindest offer, but currently I am awfully busy so I will gladly attend your setup some time later." My eyelids fluttered open and all I could think of was: where did this lunatic learn such manners from; the ninteenth century?? Raina, red in the face marched away, trying to hide her embarassment while shooting me the evil eye from afar. In reaction, I laughed even louder, but also wondered why in the world this guy was sitting here. Honestly, I really get irritated by the presence of any person, but then again mother did say, "give people a chance". He once again turned to me, quite relaxed, starting his conversation with a question,

"Are you Nar-"

Waving my hand in repulsion, I quickly cut him off,"Yes I am but don't call me that! Its a nice name, but I'd prefer a more unique kind of name. Just call me...Sesame, after all that's what most people address me by." I boldly replied while he sustained his even tone,"Okay, Sesame. You can call me Nathan, or anything else you want to."

There was another long, awkward silence. At least my class had forgotten about the whole incident, but what should I say to this guy, Nathan was-it? He seems almost as clueless as me in leading on a conversation."So......hello? I'm not used to a these formalities, so if you're offended...its not my fault. And getting down to the facts; how come you want to hang out with me???" He gave a long, arduous sigh yet he remained patient and continued," That is not important. Sesame, now that I am here, let's practice that 'friendship' custom," he pointed out his hand. What just happened? Play along with it, my conscience advised me, thus I shook his hand with a firm grip. Friends? How long has it been since I've had those, Grade three? Well, he's new so I'll just help him settle in, after all,that's what any good person would do. "School might improve for you now that I'm here," he remarked confidently. Hearing him speak in his funny manner with so much assurance....he seemed almost as 'strange' as me. Is it good? Well maybe it is good that I've found someone who may help me spend time through these last boring years of school. Well, one thing for sure is, that his overconfident attitude is really irritating.
The bell for the first period to begin finally rung, and as I picked up the hefty backpack and headed towards the stairs, I knew that he was looming behind me.
It was the first time in years that I knew that I was not alone.

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