৲ lonely

90 17 2

the thing about being lonely is
that you earn nothing but sympathy,
it's like at that one particular moment,
no one wants to spend time with you willingly,
but just for the sake of your loneliness,
and when you speak to the moon to seek comfort,
you're called names and judged at suddenly,
and at that moment of you swimming in the darkness,
everyone around you might seem to be the happiest,
but the truth is they have learnt to mask it away,
and come to terms that pain is a part of life,
and that eventually it shall pass away too,
like everything and everyone does,
the only constant in this world of change is you,
this loneliness is a phase too,
like the phases of the moon, the moon being you,
watch every star shine brighter the moment you realise that.

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