৲ home

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it's such a lonely feeling, of wanting to stay here but not belonging here,
it's like everyone tells you you belong here,
but the things that don't speak tell that you don't,
from stars in the sky to the brooks that run over the rocks,
signal you're different,
you see it in the way the sun wishes you with a warm smile to do your best,
the way the amber moon speaks every night to you but the rest,
it's the feeling that lingers deep in your bones that reminds you,
home is a feeling, not a place and this planet isn't meant for you,
they say the heart is made of layered tissues and arteries,
but mine is replaced by the universe's soaring galaxy,
and you sit and wonder, under the moon,
if someone will ever truly understand you,
the truth is you won't find someone who does, but keep searching for someone who's willing to,
and if they treat you any less than you deserve,
you know it better than anyone,
to take your place in the throne among the stars,
leave them wondering where you went, leave them to assume,
that you're one of the stars they see, when you own the moon,
you're back to the only place that keeps you sane,
you're home again.

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