- willing to give my all but thy won't ; it's too late to wait now.

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it's pathetic, honestly. how one can go on and on about the idea of love when one isn't willing to experience it. when one isn't willing to make sacrifices and put effort into their partner and in the bond they hold. speaks volumes about someone who bleeds poetry because of "heartbreak" when all they did was build hopes and let you down. broke your heart. they dare say a word about it. love isn't a fallacy, my dear. it's beyond metal rings and vows exchanged. it's an emotion that can even bring the dead back to life. one that can bend mountains and bring the clouds onto earth. the word alone holds a deeper meaning than what you view. she has done so much more than you deserve and she'll continue to do it for your sake but she deserves better. and she knows now.

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