Chapter 11 Bracelets

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(Here's what Jenni looks like!)

_Luna's POV_

The next day came back faster than I hoped. The truth was I was kinda terrified of going back there. Especially since they need new recruits still. I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay in my tent and avoid going in the first place. Why did I agree with it?! All my regrets we spitting at me as I was up in my tent. I couldn't though, I made a promise and I can't break it. It was the crack of dawn just enough to see the sunrise. It wasn't time for breakfast but I did smell it cooking. My stomach was in knots at this point tearing up inside of me. I knew I shouldn't have skipped dinner last night. Violet was pissed at me for agreeing on the terms. She's asleep right now Raven is also asleep on the floor only in a shirt that said 'Intrusive thot' on it and shorts. She stole one of my blankets so if anyone walked in or something they wouldn't see her in all of her glory. I got up careful trying not to step on Raven and got some clothes. I grabbed my necklace and clipped it on. Then I remembered the promise ring that Skylar gave to me on our 4 month anniversary just before summer began. It was just like yesterday when it happened. I kept it in the ring case because I was too scared to lose it. I certainly didn't want to lose it in the forest. I took it out anyway and opened the case and found the ring in there. I always checked it to see it was in there. I closed it and put it back under my pillow. I grabbed my pocket knife and shoved it into my pocket. As I heard David starting to wake up the campers. I got Violet up and she got ready as well. We left the tent and to the mess hall. Right after we ate I went to David and Gwen.

"Hey is it ok if I skip out of camp activities?"

"Why would you skip out on today's activities for?" David asks

"Because you know the wood scouts right?"


"One of them asked me to help them with one of their activities and it'll probably take me until either before or after lunch that I'll come back."

"Luna, you know you don't have to go right?" Gwen reassured me.

"I know that. But I made a promise and I'm trying to keep that. I'm not going to join them just helping them."

"Alright kiddo. Do you want someone to go with you?"

"No, I have a pocket knife and my phone on me so I have plenty of ways to escape if I have to. I have contact with Violet so you can talk to her if I'm in any danger."

"Of you say so just be careful."

"And make sure nothing fishy is happening!" David said putting on a smile.

"Don't worry I will!" I spoke trying to sound confident.

"That's good now you better head off before he sends his troop here kid."

"That's a good idea. Thanks, guys."

I waved them goodbye like it was going to be my last. I knew it wasn't, but it felt like it. As soon as the coast was clear I summoned Jenni.

"What did I do this time?"

"Nothing, I just need you for today."

"Oh, this. Alright, let's go."

She wore casual clothes and was always pretty chill. The thing about Jenni is that she seems to like everything is fine but the minute she's alone she breaks. Her emotions become more overbearing on herself and tends to cling to Harper for stable support whenever she has a breakdown. She's sensitive to a lot of things. I won't blame her since she's my trama after all. We walked over to the cave and found them wait there.

"My god how long have you been waiting there you look beat." Jenni snickers.

"Jenni be nice."

"You ready?"

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