Chapter 17 Dad?

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The next week went off well and the other camps weren't around. Skylar caught something so now she's sick. Today Mr. Campbell came probably to hide from the police. Apparently it was parents day today. How fun. Campbell heard the news and almost strangled him for it until the bus came.

"Parents are here." QM said.

When the parents came out of there QM just drove off and parking it somewhere. Campbell nervous now dropped David and shot him a scowl. David got up from the ground and dusted himself off.

"Alright! Everyone to the mess hall so we can plan on some activities!"

My dad wasn't there so I had time to spare. Once Campbell walked off I summoned Violet.

"Come on. Who knows when dad's gonna show up."

"Thomas is your dad."

"Whatever. Let's just go."

Max just followed David and so I did the same. I stayed quiet not wanting to interrupt.

"How the hell did you think of inviting the parents here was a good idea?!"

"Oh come on Max it can't be that bad. Once your parents come I'll all be ok!"

"David, they don't give a shit. They're not coming."

"How would you know that young man?"

"Because they don't go to useless shit like this ok."

"You'll see." I heard him mumble under his breath.

A part of me thought that he'd wanted to see his parents to see why he acted like that all the time. It was most likely out of curiosity. I wouldn't blame him either. We went in and the parents looked confused on why their kid isn't at the camp they were assigned to.

"It's because we wanted to give each child attention for whatever they're good at! Like science camp for... Neil! And adventure camp for umm...girl Neil?"

I held in a laugh as he called Nikki girl Neil. How'd he get those two mixed up?! David told us to go outside for activities or to show the parents what we do here. While we left just stood by Max while I kept on waiting. Maybe he forgot? No. I called him last night. I didn't know about it until today. Maybe he didn't get a memo on it that's all. Max soon went off to bother David again. I could tell that Neil's dad and Nikki's mother were about to get frisky with each other so I just started walking around so my legs wouldn't stiffen. Soon a car came up the driveway and I could recognize it from anywhere. If it was the wrong person I stayed back until the person came out of the car. It was him.



My eyes lit up as I ran to him tackling him into a hug.

"Oh, hey Thomas. Where's Virgil?"

"He's in the car Violet, you can say hi if you want!"

I saw her open the door and hug him from behind. She looked happy to see him.

"Don't leave us again!"

"Glad to see me kid?"

"Yes!" She groans as she lets Virgil get up and out of the car.

"That's surprising."

She rolled her eyes in response as he checked his phone.

"Thomas why are we here again? I thought it was until the end of summer."

"Well I got a call last night and the counselor said something about parents day so I went along with it."

"Yeah it was do sudden that he did this. Maybe he just wanted to do this for family bonding?"

"I'm guessing Lulu."

"I hope you're not missing a big role or something."

"Nope. That's in a week or so sweetie. Don't worry."

I sighed softly knowing that there's no way out of this. It's not like I didn't want him there, it's the fact that I have to push down the urge to ask him to go home. I wanted to but I didn't want to leave them so soon. I lead him to the stage and found Preston there with his Grandma. She was watching him do his play I guess.

"Hey Preston."

"Hey Luna. Is that your father or something?"

"Sure is."

"Oh, it's nice meeting you sir." Preston said bowing like he does at the end of his plays.

"It's nice meeting you too Preston."

He smiled softly as he went back to entertain his Grandma. He must be busy I guess.

~Time skip~

After dinner every one of us had to show off what we learned here. Everyone's parents came but Max's didn't. I felt bad for him but he played it off as nothing when I asked him. Virgil just stayed by Violet the whole time. It was awkward. It was right up until David noticed me and dad were there.

"Oh, you must be Luna's guardian yes?"

"Yeah, you're David?"

"Sure am! Are you having a good time there?"

"I guess so. It's nice here."

"David this is fucking stupid." Max chimes in.

"Max. I still see peas on that plate."

Since Max's parents weren't there Gwen and David had to act like his parents. Dad leaned in and whispers.

"Are they his parents?"

"No. His aren't here yet so they are making sure he doesn't get into trouble."


I finished eating and waited until David was finished getting onto Max about the peas even though they didn't matter at this point.

"Thomas why are we still here I literally don't get it. What's the point of all this?" Virgil said with brutal honesty.

"Virgil be nice."

He only hisses in response as dad rolls his eyes at him.

"Well as you can see our son is just being a bit much today! You know how they are."

"Yeah. I bet." He said awkwardly.

Things settled down a bit until a familiar voice came in.

"I was this close of taiming that fucking platypus Re. I couldn't find rats that weren't dead so yeah."

"Wait you've been keeping dead rats here and didn't tell me! You're not my child anymore!"

"Don't you have Jake to take care of?"

"We don't discuss him in this important conversation!"

"They're not mine Remus! Besides Nikki's wolves would've smelled them."

"Show me them then."

"In the fuck house or in QM's place?"

"In the what now?"

"You heard me loud and clear and so did the parents. Now which one?"

"Second. And then the fun place. If only Thomas could join us. How sad!"

"No one is going anywhere!" David blurted out.

I heard him hum evily in response and my eyes widened when he glares at him directly in the eyes.

"What, you afraid to get your dick hard?"

"Excuse me?"

"Re. Leave the poor guy alone. He can't call Cp on us. Let's go bother Jan."

"Whatever. Come on kid we got some things to catch up on see you in the car dork." Remus said pointing at dad.

After that the whole day was boring. The show happened and Max didn't show getting Campbell arrested. I had a good feeling that Neil and Nikki's parents were going end up together since they were fucking each other behind the scenes. After that we bid our goodbye's and I had to witness Violet winning begging Virgil to take us. We almost did it until we were told to stop and head to our tent.

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