Chapter 21 Striking Back

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Harper came up like she usually does with a bright grin on her face and all. Her hair was done in two pigtails one on both sides of her head. They were low so the chance of someone pulling them was likely to happen. It was her turn to watch Luna again. Today she was meeting up with Pikeman. They were arguing if she should go or not.

"I don't wanna go see him, Harper."

"Why not? You should be nicer to each other!"

"Harper why should I be nicer to him?! He tried to do something that I wasn't wanting to do!"

"Because it won't be right to me okay!? Can you do this for me? The summer is almost over and I just think that we can patch things up before we go back."

"Don't remind me. But fine. Wanna come?"

"No, I'm going to hang out with Hazel today!"

"Fine, I'm bringing Jenni then."

"Okay! Have fun!" Harper spoke cheerfully.

As soon as they left she sat down on the bed. She was leaning into her hands as she put them in front of her face. Harper sighed harshly as she remembers the dream she had last night. She remembers a shadow telling her awful things about what she's doing right or wrong. It teased her, called her names when she told it to stop it only laughed and said:

"Harper, I will always be inside of you. You can try to run but it's no use. Just give in already my dear~"

The voice itself sent shivers down her spine. Out of Luna's sides, she's the most sensitive to a lot of things. So it made it ten times harder to do her job properly. With that, she hides behind someone or starts tearing up whenever someone is yelling at her. She hides her fears and guilts under a happy face so no one gets concerned for her. She's more concerned about other people to distract herself from checking her own mental health. Not like it mattered much to her anyway.

"Yo, you alright Har?"

"Y-yeah. Just unraveled that's all. How's the hand?"

"It's fine now. Come on."

"Where are we going?"

"To spy on them! What you think I don't care about her?"

"You do care but Skylar will be there too! Isn't she safe enough?"


"Fine. As long as we can just have a nice relaxing day today. That'll be great."

"Alright come along now."

Harper sighed as we left the tent as the others had lunch in the mess hall. They managed to sneak past David who was on the phone with who they assumed was Mr. Campbell. Probably him trying to get away from the police for everything that he's done. It wouldn't be a surprise either. They went out and hid behind a tall bush. They looked through it and saw Skylar, Luna, and Jenni, and Pikeman there talking to one another.

"See? They're fine. Can we head back now Hazel?"

"Why would you wanna do that you two? It's about time you'd head back to the wood scouts!" A voice called from behind them making Harper flinch.

"D-Daniel? Didn't you go to the hospital?"

"Why yes indeed. My, my, even a slithery friend like you can catch on quick!"

"What do you want?"

"Be nice! All he needs is a little compassion!"

"Your little friend here is right Hazel. You should listen to her more. Or is it that you see the bad in everyone? Including her."

"Don't leave her out of this. This is none of your business creep."

"Well yes, it is. I just wanna have a little chat with you that's all! Unless you want something bad to happen to Luna? But you wouldn't want that do you? If not we should get away from the lake so they can have their fun! Sha we?"

"I think not bud. Don't think I can see that fucking blade behind your back? If so I think the 50/50 isn't a bad option don't you think Harp?"

"No! You made a promise to Sage! You think that kind of promise can be broken without reason?!"

"Very moral I must say. I was hoping to propose a deal that you two can't refuse."

They didn't realize until now that they were walking away from the spot they were at.

"Don't play your card tricks, I know what's under that grin of yours."

As Hazel spoke she slipped out a spade from under her glove and showed him that it was an ace of spades. Then she waved her hand by it and it became a diamond. Suddenly she was pushed back against a tree and Daniel stood over her jagged knife in hand.

"I tried to be nice but look where that's got me!"

"Get away from me fucking cultist!" Hazel screamed.

Daniel then slit her hand open slowly causing her to scream and squirms in his grip. Daniel didn't know that it was the hand Sage wrapped up which made it two times worse. Harper's eyes began to water as she covered her mouth. She shook as she balled the other fist in anger. Her eyes and hair darkened a few tones as she saw light blue strings wrap around her fingers and it looked like she could wrap it around the person attacking Hazel. She knew she and the others couldn't die. But it hurt her to see her friends in pain. Instantly one of the strings wrapped itself around his dominant arm and the knife. Harper's tears streamed down her face as she yelled.

"Leave her alone!"

Her voice was broken from that statement. Daniel took a few steps back and looked at Harper with surprise.

"You know, I always see the good in the worst of people. But you have nothing but an empty shell! You have no empathy for anyone! So do me a favor and get away from her you heartless bastard!"

As she said that she took the knife away and threw it far away thanks to the strings.

"This isn't over yet."

Daniel ran off to go look for his knife wondering if Harper was even a person or not. She might become useful in the future.

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