Chapter 13 Blood

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(I wrote this during my period week. Btw what Harper looks like is at the top!)

_Luna's POV_

~The next day~

I woke up the next day with blood on my bed. I looked down and I saw a puddle of blood. I felt a cramp come in and I curled in on myself. It wasn't until I heard David outside of my tent.

"Luna? Is everything ok in there? I noticed that you never came out of your tent. Can I come in?"

"No! Don't come in! Just go get Gwen please."

"Oh, alrighty then!"

I picked up my pillow and put it on my knees and lied my head on it. Screaming into it the next moment as I felt another wave of pain flow in my body.

"Kid? Can I come in there?"


I put the pillow back as I saw her come in.

"No wonder you didn't come out for breakfast. You need help there?"

"Yeah. All I can feel is misery. I forgot to bring some with me."

"Yeah, it does have that effect. Alright, get up so I can wash these blankets."

I got up carefully since my legs were still asleep. Once I was up I bundled the blankets together and Gwen led me out of there. Good thing I wore black shorts. She leads me into their cabin and David was nowhere to be seen.

"Just put them there I'll deal with it later."

"Where's David?"

"In the mess hall now. How many do you need?"

"Five or six for this week."


She opened the bottom drawer and I saw pads, tampons, and condoms for some reason.

"Tamps or pads?"

"Tamps are fine."

She took some out and handed them to me.

"Alright, just put them in a safe place and you'll be fine."

"Thanks, Gwen."

"No problem."

I left there and back into my tent and put one on and changed into black leggings and the yellow shirt along with a bandana tied into my hair. I took out my necklace and put it on. I also put on my ring forgetting why I don't wear it often. I went back out and went straight to the mess hall and sat down at one of the tables by Preston.

"Oh, there you are! I thought you'd never show up! Where were you?"

"Asleep until now."

"Asleep? Were you up all night or something?"

"Look man I don't wanna talk about it ok!" I said slamming my hands onto the table.

"Alright geez! Just settle down there's no reason to be hostile."

The events that just happened replayed in my head like a record as I sat back down.

"Sorry about that I'm just in a bad mood is all. Can you get me a pudding please?"

"Of course."

He walked off into the kitchen without anyone noticing and came back a few seconds later with two puddings and two spoons. He handed one to me and opened his.

"Thanks, Pres."

"Your welcome."

I manage to make some small talk with him as we ate the pudding. After that, we threw the pudding cups and the plastic spoons away and went outside. I felt the headache come back and I just sat down by a tree and looked out into the forest. It was a pretty sight. Not much has happened besides me waking up with the blood of course. My phone buzzed and I saw a text. It was from Pikeman.

"Hey, can we hang out again sometime today?"

My eyes widened as I saw it. He wasn't bad but I didn't want to be bothered. I don't want to snap again after all as I did to Preston.

"Sorry, Pike I can't I don't feel too well today."

"How come?

"Idk dude I have a headache. Maybe later?"

"Yeah, it will do then."


I put my phone back into my pocket and closed my eyes enjoying the fresh breeze that came my way. Before I knew it my world faded to black.


I didn't know why but I was running from something. I saw myself in a forest filled with fog that covered the ground making it impossible to see who or what I was running from. I stopped and hid behind a tree to catch some air. I panicked as I heard low hissing. Maybe it was just an animal? No.

"Come on! I just wanna play a game with you!"

It sounded like a child's voice. It didn't sound like anyone I know. I got off the tree and ran again at full speed.

"Don't run away!" The person whined.

I ignored them and kept on. There's gotta be somewhere safe right?! All of a sudden I tripped over something and hit the ground pretty hard. I tried to get up again but I felt a sudden weight of my body forcing me to stay down.

"Who the hell are you?! What do you want from me?!"

I heard them scoff as the fog covers their face entirely like a blur almost.

"That's more like it. This is your fault after all..."

"What are you doing!? Stop it hurts! Please-"



I looked around fearful as I saw Neil and Nikki in front of me.

"Stop what we were just waking you up."

"Oh, that wasn't real. I didn't mean you. I must've had another nightmare again. Sorry did you need anything?"

"Yeah, David said to wake you up so we can start our next activity."

I did notice that I felt better so I just got up and followed them into the mess hall. There I saw the wood scouts and the others there. I even saw Violet and Hazel there too. Hazel hid her scales like always. They both seemed on edge. I went up to them and went to them confused about what's going on.

"What the...hell is going on David?" I said yawning in between my words.

"Well, today we're combining the three camps at lake lilac for the day!"

"And you didn't fucking tell us?" I groaned.


"She does have a point, David." Gwen started. "Why are we doing this?"

"Because! It's important for us to combine activities. And it may help with our relations with them! And don't you remember what's happening later tonight?" He said putting his hands on his hips.

"The summer social? THE SUMMER SOCIAL! Damn it David I thought that was next week!"

I felt a warm liquid rise up my throat, I somehow manage to choke it down and just spit the leftover into the trash can. It tasted awful in my mouth. I just grabbed a bottle of water that was there. I was feeling better when the water settled in. I saw Hazel cover her mouth along with her nose. Oh dear lord.

"Haze," I whisper to her. "What's wrong?"

"I need to get out of here. Before I-"

"I understand just go if you're not comfortable."

"But wouldn't that just-"

"Just sink out then."

She did as told and sinked out and no one even noticed. All I know is that this might end badly.

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