Chapter 13: Blood Loss

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Tick Tock Tick Tock

I heard the repeated ticks of a clock in the distance.

The world around me was a blur, my eyes hurt to stay open so I closed them as fast as I could.

I winced from the headache that was emerging at the back of my head.

I cried at the pains that seemed to be noticed now that I had regained consciousness.

"Wake up!" some one shouted at me and then I felt somebody slap me across the face, the red hot touch felt like it was burning my skin.

"Hmmph" I mumbled, not really sure what was happening, just wanting to sleep.

"I said wake up" a man said and then I got another slap across the face.

I opened my eyes, all I could see was a blur, spinning in my eyes, stopping my vision.

My head hurt from trying to see, I felt as if I'd been drinking the night before and now I had a hangover from hell.

My body felt as if I'd gone ten rounds with a professional boxer, everywhere hurt, my limbs were floppy, my stomach was twisting inside me and I had burning pains in my head, chest, arms and legs.

"Jared, stop slapping her, we need her alive for answers!" a female voice shouted from far away.

I blinked several times and tried to rub my eyes but I realised that for some reason, I couldn't. 

My hands were behind my back, only now did I realise that I was sat down on a hard chair, my hands were behind the back of it.

After about five minutes of focussing on one specific thing in the room, I could only just make out rough figures of about five people stood around me.

"Okay I think our sleeping beauty is awake, go and get Richard." One of the figures ordered, making one of the others go away.

As my vision got better, I could tell that where ever I was was dark, only a small amount of light was coming in from a window at the top of the dark room, the figures left in the room were all male and they all had things like baseball bats and other weapons.

"See." a figure said, returning to the room with a man and a woman.

The male figure that came with the woman walked over to me, knelt infront of me and put a finger under my chin so that I was looking at his face.

"Really? This is what Malik brought here? She's pretty sure but not exactly what you would expect for a king of the blood suckers." he said and then pushed my face away.

"Richard, focus!" the woman said.

"Don't tell me what to do Yasmina! I am the leader of the slayers, you came to me, not the other way around!" Richard snapped, "Now, tell me your name!" he barked at me.

"C-Candice." I stuttered, worried about why they brought me here.

"So Candice, tell me why Malik brought you here and no lies or I'll get one of my friends here to hurt you with their pretty baseball bats." Richard threatened.

"H-he says I'm his soulmate." I cried, tears began welling up in my eyes, if I blame anyone then it's Malik for getting me in this mess.

"Yeah, I guessed that but why did he bring you here now? What has he asked from you?" Richard said and then moved even closer to be so that he was right up in my face.

I let out a whimper, if I told them that me and Malik are getting married as a sham so that I could get home so he could stop the slayers then they might kill me right here, right now.

Creatures of Hell Book 1: Whispers in the DarkWhere stories live. Discover now