Fateful Encounter Part 1:

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(Might be long, sorry 😅)

The rain battered down on the foggy and humid streets as a 24-year-old British adult sped walked down the soaked sidewalk, holding a thin umbrella in one hand as he held a bag of groceries in a paper bag in the other arm. Feeling a shiver run down his spine, Laff let out a shuddered sigh as he kept walking.

Shopping late in the evening during a thunderstorm wasn’t his first idea, but with it raining so hard he thought he’d stock up on warm foods to keep him from freezing to death.

Shifting how he was holding the grocery bag, he fixed the leather jacket he normally wore during private investigations and while he played with his friends. It didn’t provide much cover, but his apartment wasn’t too far away by now. Of course, this jacket was synthetic since he didn’t approve of the idea of slaughtering animals for clothing or food; especially in cruel environments.

Stepping up to the main door to his apartment complex, he set the bag down in the one part of the sidewalk that looked dryer than any other part and struggled to close his umbrella.

-Mn, darn clasp! Spent a pretty penny on this umbrella and it’s still a piece of shet-!-

Without warning one of the rods in the umbrella snapped and tore through the vinyl. Letting out a frustrated sigh, he compressed the umbrella down with his hands and quickly moved to the side of the apartment complex to the dumpster to toss the umbrella.

Laff let out a soft sigh as he tossed the umbrella into the dumpster, letting the lid slam shut “Piece of a shit umbrella, cannot even close back up properly!” He fixed the collar of his jacket as he turned to leave when he was stopped by a noise from the pile of boxes beside the dumpster.

It sounded like a...baby, crying.

He quickly turned back around and walked over to the pile of boxes, moving a few small boxes to the side before opening the bigger box that was closed.

Inside was a small infant, around a few days to a week old; bare and dirty and crying his eyes out at the top of his lungs.

“Oh my-!” Laff was quick to remove his jacket and picked up the small infant, careful to shield him from the rain that was still pouring down. Holding the infant close to his chest, Laff ducked down to try and provide some shelter as he rushed inside; momentarily forgetting the groceries he had left by the front lobby door. He quickly ascended the staircase up to his fifth-floor apartment, as it seemed much quicker than taking the elevator that seemed to take 4 minutes to go up and down.

The infant had seemed to lessen his crying once he was held, but was still crying hysterically as Laff fumbled with his keys.

After a few failed attempts before Laff steadied his hand enough to unlock the door, he practically threw the door open as he rushed inside with the sobbing infant. Tossing his keys to who knows where Laff sat down on the faded burgundy armchair.

-Alright, Alright. Take a deep breath in and calm down before I harm the child any further.- Closing his eyes; Laff took in a small, slow breath in and out as he turned his attention back to the crying infant in his arms with the only source of warmth being his discarded leather jacket.

The infant was still crying hysterically, shaking as his skin felt cold to the touch as Laff looked him over. Thankfully, there weren't any cuts or any injuries that he could see or feel. But feeling how cold the poor boy was broke Laff's heart, this poor child was abandoned without anyone to turn to or anyone to take care of him.

Judging by how filthy the poor lad was, he was abandoned for a considerably long time.

A shrill cry from the infant snapped Laff back to attention instantly as he cradled the small baby in one of his arms, using his free hand to pull out his phone to call for some help. Pressing a number on the speed dial and placing it on speakerphone, he sets it down on the arm of the chair and turns his attention back to the sobbing form in his arms.

Father Laff AU (Socksfor1) Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now