I am moving-

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I am currently in the process of moving houses with my fam. We are moving across states and I am SO OVER DRIVING.

I did really try to get the second part of "Moving On" done; I have the idea for it but my hands refused to type 😅. We just needed to get the rest of our shit packed and ready to go and it was SO STRESSFUL-

But im doing better now, my back is just sore.

When we do get to our new house tho I am gonna have to help out in not only unpacking things; but also designing my new house~


But its an utter shitshow xD, gotta be completely gutted out according to my dad. Says it'll be two months before I can move into it but i cannot wait.

I haven't forgotten this; I am gonna see this through to the end I have envisioned but it might be just a bit longer than anticipated to get this next segment finished. And then I'll have a whole new book for Volume 2! :> (cause i am not having this be the ONLY book its already way to long even I am surprised im still getting new readers)

Ima head to bed now cause I've been driving for 8 hours xD.

"Hey wait-"


"*Points to MCYT in the corner* What the fuck is that"


*TheCreator left the game*



"So, why don't you finally face it?

Your fate is sealed!

And everything you do is what I say!

Starting now and everyday

You'll be my puppet, learn to love it

Every word I say, you'll covet!

Start-a-new, stuck like glue

Bid your former self adieu

'Cause I've had enough of you!"

Father Laff AU (Socksfor1) Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now