The First's Collection: Chrimas

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First Christmas:

Grunting softly, Laff was holding the top piece of a christmas tree he had bought as he was trying to put it on top of the bottom half of the tree; trying not to drop it. He had bought one of the two-piece trees with built in lights; since he thought a two piece tree would be lighter than a one piece tree.

Yet here he was struggling to put the top piece on the bottom piece.

Sitting on the couch, Nadwe watched Laff struggle with the tree as he held his deer close, chewing on the ear of it. Every time it looked like Laff was going to drop the tree, Nadwe tensed up as he gripped onto his deer. At one point, Laff nearly fell down with the top of the tree as Nadwe let out a whine, causing Laff to look over.

"Ah-! Nadwe, no it's okay! Daddy's alright!" Laff quickly stood back up on his feet as he smiled softly "I'm okay lad, don't worry."

Nadwe whined softly and frowned a bit, still worried Laff might end up hurting himself over putting a stupid tree together. Someone knocked on the door before it opened; Shroobz walked in as he took off his red wool hat he wore during the winter. "Laff, ready to-"

He stopped as he saw Laff struggle AGAIN to put the two halves of the tree together. He grinned and laughed softly, walking over and taking the top part from him "Here, let me." He lifted the top with ease and put it on top of the bottom half of the tree.

Laff looked amazed as he scoffed softly, glancing to the side "I could have done it.."

Shroobz smiled and turned on the tree "Never said you couldn't, but I'll be honest with you; you have gotten a bit...uh; less physical since you quit the force." Laff rolled his eyes and smiled "Oh shut your trap mate; you work an office job!" Shroobz chuckled, "But yet I can lift a tree piece better than you." Laff gasped softly, faking his hurt as he looked away.

"Plus I work a hairdresser job, a construction job, a school counselor, chef, bank associate; basically a lot of jobs that keep me on my feet constantly. So it's really not my fault I'm built differently."

Laff rolled his eyes and smirked "Maybe not mentally; but physically yes. By far the most attractive in the group mate."

"Ohhhhh~ Is the almighty good samaritan Laff flirting with me?~" Shroobz chuckled and moved closer to Laff "You better watch your language or I'll go tattle on Wictoria~" Laff narrowed his eyes and grinned "You wouldn't dare mate." Shroobz quickly grabbed onto Laff's arm as he chuckled " 'Oh Miss Wictoria~ You're deeply hot and sexy boyfriend Laff was flirting with me~ Oh I couldn't help myself because of his broad shoulders,'" He moved his hand up to grip onto Laff's shoulder, massaging it as Laff shivered softly in his hold "S-Shroobz-"

" 'Because of his deep, husky British voice,'" Shroobz spoke lowly as he brought his face closer to Laff's, the British man blushing deeply as Shroobz kept a tight grip on him. " 'Oh, I had to do what I did, Miss.Wictoria~'" Laff found himself unmoving, staring into Shroobz's dark purple eyes as he panted softly "W-what did you do, S-Shroobz..?" He asked softly, unable to look away.

" 'Oh~ I had too...' TICKLE HIM TO DEATH OF COURSE!!" Shroobz shouted as he instantly attacked Laff's sides. Laff squeaked and tried to get away from Shroobz, laughing "HAHA! N-NO SHROOBZ M-MATE STOP IT!!HAHA!!!" Shroobz laughed and didn't let up "OH BUT IT IS YOUR FAULT FOR FLIRTING WITH ME GAS MAN!!" Laff squirmed in his hold; laughing madly as he tried to get away "S-SHROOBZ MATE STOP-"

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