Broken Bound Part 4:

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(I do have to place a warning here, this chapter does get into some dark themes while not DIRECTLY stating it but mentioning thoughts of suicide. I feel like in case if you feel uncomfortable with this I would put a warning so you have the chance to skip to the next chapter once it's out. If not, then proceed at your own risk. Thank you.)




Nadwe was sleeping peacefully in a bundle of blankets, snoring softly as he cooed quietly. Watching him quietly from the bedside, Meme smiled warmly as he leaned on his arms against the hard memory foam mattress. He didn't look away from the sleeping child until he heard a soft knock on the door. He glanced over to see Socks in the doorway, smiling softly as he gestured Meme out of the room.

Meme slowly stood up, careful not to dip the bed in any way and wake up Nadwe as he quietly walked out. Socks carefully closed the door and smiled softly, turning around "The water is boiling for the soup, should be ready soon.." Meme nodded softly and went to walk into his dining room when Socks gently grabbed his hand "H-hey wait hang on.." Meme looked at him, surprised as Socks glanced down.

"...Are you...ready to talk about it?"

Meme blinked slowly, glancing to the side for a few moments before he nodded slowly, gulping silently "y-yeah...I think so.."

Socks nodded softly and gently held Meme's hands, leading him over to the couch and sat down with him. He let go of one of Meme's hands as he held the other firmly in his own, rubbing it gently with his thumb. Meme let out a soft sigh and glanced down "I'm sorry for how I reacted to Tbh...H-He just-...reminded me so much of my ex.." Socks frowned a bit and squeezed his hand gently "He did..? How so..?"

Meme shivered softly as he gently pulled his hand away from Socks' hand. He moved to sit looking forward so he wasn't looking Socks in the eye "I-It's because he-...he's, um..." Socks leaned a bit closer, waiting for Meme to answer as he took in a deep, sharp breath and exhaled slowly.

"It's...because Tbh IS my ex..."

Socks blinked in disbelief as he let out a soft chuckle "C-C'mon Meme, tell me you're joking, right?" He moved to look Meme in the face as his expression dropped at Meme's. Meme looked distraught and like the world was crushing him down. Socks gulped softly and frowned "You're...not joking are you..?"

Meme shook his head and took in a slow breath, looking down at his hands "we were together during high...h-he used to be so sweet and tender but he..." He put his fist to his chin as he leaned on it "he became such an asshole quickly...and forceful..." He shivered and rubbed his arms.

"He would call me a shit ton of rude and downright demeaning names. Whenever we had a group project, he would just go out with any random bimbo or hang out with an older group of 'friends' and leave me to do all the work. He hated it when I would spend time with Blaza or Dino by myself or even if I was texting someone he didn't even know..." He let out a shuddering sigh, leaning down "H-he would make me feel so gross and awful if I didn't let him kiss me.."

Socks looked really sad as he scooted closer to Meme, looking at him as if he was trying to understand something "W-Why haven't you told me..?" Meme glanced at him and rubbed his eyes "Well, he was one of your best friends...I was worried if I had told wouldn't have believed me and didn't want to see my face anymore.." He looked away as Socks gently took his hand, speaking softly "Meme, I would have never have done that."

Meme looked at him as Socks held his hand tightly "even if I had, I would have been a fool to give someone like you up.." Meme smiled sadly as he glanced down "I-I'm really grateful for what you had done for me.." Socks leaned in a bit closer "What have I done other than be your friend..?"

Sighing quietly, Meme looked away as he thought of how to go about this. "...Do you remember how we officially met..?" Socks nodded softly and smiled softly "of course, you were sorting out the containers in the biomedical lab. You were wearing a loose-fitting green striped shirt and that cute student-issued lab coat... It was one of the few times I didn't see you in your cookie monster hoodie.." Meme looked away, almost in a manner of guilt as he sighed softly "...I wasn't sorting out the containers in the cabinets..." Socks tilted his head, confused as Meme continued slowly.

"...I was preparing a syringe...with a lethal dose of um..." He looked at Socks and met his confused stare. "Uh, succinylcholine is a skeletal muscle relaxant, a...*Ahem* a large dose of it could kill someone and no medical official would be able to-" Socks' eyes widened as he sat up "OH!-" He looked at Meme and held onto his hand with both of his "Wait-You were gonna-!?"

Meme nodded sadly and looked away "...I was in a really bad mental spot during that time...being with felt like my entire life was ruined because of him, and he certainly didn't make it easier with his constant teasing and being a complete ass to me...I felt..." he looked at his hands "I one would notice if I was gone..."

Socks frowned as he quickly hugged Meme without hesitation, holding him tightly in his arms as the doctor apprentice shivered in his hold. "My god...Meme...I-I didn't know you felt that way..." Meme chuckled sadly "W-Well, I didn't feel like I could tell anyone..." Socks held Meme closer, if that was even possible, as he bit back a couple of sad sobs.

Meme leaned his head on Socks' chest and smiled softly " saved me, Socks...If you hadn't checked in on me, I would have been dead...I didn't want to have you see me dead or in the middle of...that." Socks glanced down at him, holding him tightly "W-Why would my reaction matter..?"

"Well...while I was still with Tbh...I somehow got a major crush on you.." Meme looked up at him "Being with Tbh was hell...but being your friend...gave me a different outlook on what a romantic partner would be. You were so kind, funny, and sweet to everyone around you and...I sorta fantasize that I would run off with you and leave Tbh and all the trauma behind.."

Socks chuckled quietly and brushed back some of Meme's hair "Really..?" Meme smiled sadly, making a soft "mn-hm" sound. Socks held him in his arms as he rubbed his shoulder gently " did you two-?"

"He cheated on me with a senior and when I caught them together I told him I was done. I didn't talk to him our entire senior year outside of our videos, when he started dating Joocie I thought he was more mature..." He leans on Socks "I don't want Joocie to have to go down my path.."

Socks brushed his hair back gently "Well, he won't because Joocie has you as a friend.." Meme nodded softly and leaned on Socks "I know.."

A shrill whistle came from the kitchen as Socks and Meme looked up, the two slowly getting up as Socks let Meme go slowly. Socks looked at Meme and pulled him close in a tight hug as Meme responded, holding onto him tightly. He leaned his head on his chest, listening to Socks' heartbeat as he smiled softly. "I'm really glad I had you as a friend.."

Socks smiled warmly and kissed his head, not wanting to let him go "Me too.."

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