Moving On (Part One):

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"Laff...I know you're worried about me. But do you have to keep the bathroom door open?" Joocie muttered quietly as he was in the shower peeking behind the curtains. Laff was leaning on the doorframe glancing away to give Joocie privacy as he sighed quietly "look mate, I don't like doing this either. But I also want to make sure you're safe. I know you're seein' a therapist but it never hurts to be too careful."

Joocie let out a low hum as he stopped peeking behind the curtain "I thought you had child locks on everything?"

"Lad not even I can figure out those damn things. Nadwe knows better now not to go snooping through the cabinets anyhow."

Joocie rolled his eyes and turned off the shower, running his hands through his hair squeezing as much water as he could "could you hand me the towel then at least?" Laff nodded softly and walked into the bathroom, "Of course mate." He grabbed the towel off the rack and held it out for Joocie to take so he wouldn't impose on his privacy.

Nadwe was tapping his feet against the leg of his chair as he was waiting for breakfast. "Moooooommmyyyy, I'm hungryyyyyyyyyy..." He whined quietly as Wictoria was shuffling around in the kitchen. She was making Nadwe his breakfast and something quick for her to eat as she needed to get to work in the hour. "I know honey, just a sec!" She called back as Nadwe groaned quietly, placing his head on the table dramatically. "But I'm hungry nowwwwwwwww." He whined again as he threw his arms down dramatically as well.

Wictoria huffed softly and plated Nadwe's breakfast "with that attitude you could forget your zoo trip today!" That made Nadwe quickly sit up and stopped whining, eyes a little wide "sorry sorry!" Walking to the table, Wictoria set his egg sandwich down and ruffled his hair "that's what I thought." Her phone started ringing from the bedroom as she quickly walked in that direction as Laff walked out into the living room "just a heads up, Joocie's getting dressed in our bathroom."

"Thank you!" She called out as she walked into the bedroom to look for her phone. Laff looked over to the door and noticed a few envelopes tucked under the door. He walked over and picked them up, shuffling through them to see who sent them or what they were.

One was the monthly rent bill, the second some junk mail he normally let Nadwe have so he could feel like he has mail and the third-

"Ah again with this nonsense?" Laff huffed softly as he turned over the envelope in his hands. It was another letter from both Tbh and Blaza addressed to Joocie. It had been a month and a half since Joocie moved out of his old place and in with Laff and Nadwe for the time being and these two were still trying to contact him. It has at least died down significantly once Joocie had blocked both of their numbers, just an occasional letter and this was the second one in this week. Laff rolled his eyes just thinking about what it might say as he walked over to the kitchen, ripping the side open and tilting it slightly.

Nadwe watched confused as he tilted his head "Daddy? Why do you open letters from Tbh and Uncle Blaza if you don't want to talk to them?" Laff glanced over at him and gestured to the letter "Son, you know that we have been burning these correct?" Nadwe took a minute and nodded as Laff moved over to the stove. "I open them like this to check if they had stashed any money within it. It's illegal to burn money." He stated calmly as he turned on the gas stove, Nadwe looked confused as he narrowed his eyes "But-why?"

"I don't know lad, it's just something the government doesn't want anyone doin' I suppose.." Laff shrugged as he placed the envelope letter directly on top of the fire. "...why are we not letting Uncle Joocie read these again???" Laff took a minute before sighing quietly, looking at Nadwe as the letter burned up in flames "because Nadwe; Joocie doesn't need any of this rubbish while he is healing. What Tbh and Uncle Blaza did to him was a very bad thing, and clearly, whatever reason they have to try and excuse their actions was bigger than being loyal to Joocie. And neither Joocie nor his new mate Charlie wants to hear from either one of them at the moment, or at least not until Joocie feels mentally well enough to face this issue."

He quickly turned off the stove once the letter was completely in ashes and turned on the overhead oven fan to get rid of the little smoke that came from it "understand?" Nadwe shifted his plate a little and nodded softly "Yeah, I think so..." Laff glanced over to him and smiled a bit, "good, now eat your breakfast so I can get you to school." He looked back over at the counter and looked confused at the plate of pop tarts placed there "and whose pop tarts are these??"

"Those would be mine!" Wictoria quietly shouted as she ran over to pick one up and quickly eat half. She was going to turn to run out to get to her wedding make-up job as Laff promptly pulled her back "Ay-Hold up mate!" The two glanced over at Nadwe who was staring at them as they turned away. "I thought we both agreed you were going to eat healthier love?" Laff quietly asked as Wictoria groaned softly. "I know I know but I just didn't have the time!" Laff rolled his eyes and grinned softly "that's a load of bull mate, if you had the time to make Nadwe breakfast you would certainly have the time to make you two a decent meal. Plus, pop tarts ain't healthy."

Wictoria scoffed quietly and rolled her eyes "I think you need a class on food Laff, pop tarts are not THAT bad. Plus, I could be eating way worse things but here I am fighting my cravings just to spare you and Nadwe the disgust of it." Laff scoffed softly and playfully shoved her away "oh PLEASE." The two started laughing quietly as Nadwe watched them heavily confused. Wictoria's phone started ringing again as she took it out of her purse, reaching over and grabbing her other pop tart "I'm sorry but I really need to go."

"Please do not overwork yourself." Laff quickly stated as Wictoria rushed over to the door. She opened it with a big smile "oh you're one to talk!" she called back, laughing as she quickly left the apartment. Joocie soon came from the bedroom as Laff glanced over at the clock on the stove "c'mon now Nadwe, hurry on up we need to leave soon ourselves." He walked over to the fridge to grab a few eggs for himself to make some breakfast "you excited for today?" Nadwe finished his sandwich as he nodded happily "uh-huh! Me and Muffin are field trip buddies!" Joocie smiled as he walked over to the table and sat down across from him "I'm glad you have a friend at school Nad."

Nadwe looked at him and smiled brightly at him "thanks Uncle Joocie. And I'm glad you've been living with us Uncle Joocie..." Joocie smiled sheepishly and chuckled softly, Laff walked over with a plate of over-easy eggs for him and set it down in front of Joocie. "Eat up you two. We need to leave in a bit." Joocie nodded and picked up his fork "hey Laff? Charlie is taking me out for dinner later today if that's fine with you." Laff glanced at him surprised and then smiled warmly "of course it would be fine with me mate, Charlie is a swell lad and he treats you as you should be." He walked over to the kitchen to clean up "if you need anything just give me a call alright?" Joocie nodded and started eating.

"...does this mean I now have to call Mr.Charlie Uncle Charlie?"

Joocie blushed deeply and nearly choked on his mouthful of egg as Laff quickly turned around not sure how to answer.

Father Laff AU (Socksfor1) Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now