Welcome, Wictoria! Part 4:

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Totally didn't write this instead of sleeping last night, Zero chance xD)

Laff walked over to Wictoria and tapped her shoulder, grabbing her attention. “Miss Wictoria, these are two more of my friends; MemeGod and Joocie.” He gestured to the two mentioned who were by the kitchen archway. Wictoria smiled and got up, walking over “Well hello!”

Meme held out a hand and shook Wictoria’s “Hey there! My name is Meme and that is Jooice.” He shot a glare in Tbh’s direction “Tbh’s BOYFRIEND.” He looked back at Wictoria and gestured to Nadwe with a soft smile “And I’m sure you met Nadwe already.”

Wictoria giggled softly as Nadwe stared at her “Of course I have.” She looked at Joocie and moved closer to him “And you’re Honest’s boyfriend?” Before Joocie could respond, Wictoria grabbed his chin and inspected his face, earning a yelp from Joocie.

“I-I-I Uhhhhh...W-What are you doing-?”

“So you do use concealer..” She let go and giggled softly “With how fair your skin looks on your hands, I don’t imagine any reason why you would use makeup.” Joocie fidgeted with his hands and glanced away, suddenly shy “I-I uhhh...freckles…”

Wictoria let out a soft laugh as she smiled “Oh hon, you don’t need to use makeup to cover freckles-! They’re natural!” From the couch, Tbh snorted as he held back a laugh, sitting up “Oh Wictoria you haven’t seen his freckles! Give him a pair of dorky glasses and then he looks like a nerd!”

This earned a look from Meme, a slight laugh from Socks, disappointed looks from Laff and Dino, and a quiet whine from Joocie as he gripped on his arms. -N-not even a week and you’re being insensitive again, Honest…?-

Wictoria shook her head and looked at Joocie “Oh don’t listen to him, that's an outdated stereotype. Even nerds can look hot!” She then grabbed his hand and looked at Laff “Hey Laff, you have castor oil in the kitchen?” Laff looked over and nodded “Yeah mate in the cupboard..” Wictoria nodded and looked at Joocie “Here, I’ll show you how you can get rid of freckles!” She smiled and pulled him into the kitchen, Meme was quick to follow behind as he needed to grab a bottle to feed Nadwe.

When they left, Tbh let out a star-stricken sigh as he leaned back “Oh my GOD Laff, you lucky dog!”

Laff blinked confused as he looked at Tbh “Um, I’m sorry mate, ‘lucky’? What do you mean by that?”

Tbh sat up and looked at him as if he was crazy before he let out a laugh. “What do you mean!? She’s smoking! Wictoria is a kind, gentle, and a fine ass woman! She’s thin and beautiful and her rack-god DAMN!” He let out a soft huff as he grins “God I would go out with her in a heartbeat!”

Dino cleared his throat and lowered his fist “But, uhhh, you are dating Joocie.” Socks looked at Dino and nodded, looking back at Tbh. “Yeah, Honest, you shouldn’t be saying things like that…”

Tbh shrugged his shoulders “Hey I’m just being polite!”

Walking over to the couch, Laff looked at him with a stern glare. “Yeah mate, but there is a difference between being polite and being an absolute horndog. You cannot be making these comments; especially not in front of your emotionally fragile boyfriend.” Tbh rolled his eyes and shook his head “Hey I’m not stupid! I know what I am doing-!”

Meme walked back into the living room, followed by Joocie and Wictoria as he carried Nadwe and a warm bottle. Laff looked over and smiled softly, walking over “Is the little lad hungry?”

Chuckling softly, Meme nodded and sat down in the armchair, holding the bottle for Nadwe.

Wictoria sat beside Tbh and smiled softly “So getting back to what we were talking about before, you work at a restaurant?” Tbh nodded softly and smiled “Yeah! A hamburger shop! I’ve also been looking at getting a part-time job for this small gym that just opened up, you know, to earn some extra money.”

Joocie was covering his face, hiding his cheeks as he walked over to Tbh and Wictoria “h-hey uh, Honest…? Be honest…” He uncovered his face, showing small clusters of freckles on his cheeks “does it look bad..?”

Tbh wasn’t even paying attention as he waved Joocie off “No no babe it looks fine. So you also help arrange weddings?” Wictoria chuckled softly and covered her mouth “Well, sometimes..”

Joocie frowned and lowered his hands “y-you didn’t even look…”

Shaking his head, Laff moved over and pulled Joocie behind the couch by his arm, smiling softly “Joocie mate you look fine with your freckles.” Joocie looked at him “y-you think so…? Laff smiled softly and nodded “Of course, having freckles isn’t nothing to be ashamed of.” Joocie smiled softly “T-thank you..”

Dino smiled softly and glanced over at Tbh, clearing his throat loudly.

Tbh looked over “Huh? Dino, what do you want?” He tilted his head as Dino nodded his head towards Joocie “Don’t YOU think Joocie looks nice?” Tbh shook his head and looked towards Joocie “Of course why would I-” He caught sight of Joocie’s freckled dusted cheeks and held back a wheeze; covering his mouth.

Joocie frowned and shied away a bit as Tbh started giggling “My god Joocie your face-!” He covered his mouth and giggled quietly “My god THAT caught me off guard, I thought I wasn’t gonna see your freckles until we actually got serious!”

Looking down, Joocie started to tremble as he gripped onto his jacket sleeves.

Quickly looking at Dino, Laff nodded his head towards Joocie and made a motion as in ‘get him out of here’. Dino quickly caught on and cleared his throat “H-Hey Um, Joocie? I was just actually stopping by to grab water since I forgot mine at home. Uh, and I was going to head to the arcade if you would like to accompany me..”

Joocie was quick to nod “i-i-if that is alright w-with..-”

Tbh waved his hand “Go on babe, we can have plenty of fun without you here.”

Joocie began tearing up and quickly ran out, not waiting for Dino as the mentioned furry dinosaur stood there. The second Joocie was gone, Meme was really quick on handing Nadwe to Socks before storming over to Tbh. “What the FUCK is wrong with you!?” He grabbed Tbh by his ear and yanked him out of his seat.

Tbh yelped and rubbed his ear “Ow Fuck-! What are you talking about!? I was just kidding around!!”


Tbh backed up and held up his hands “Hey Hey! Excuse me for being considerate of Laff’s guest! Joocie knows I was just kidding anyhow, why the hell are you so worked up about it??”

Meme looked like he wanted to outright shout why he was so upset, but he stopped when he remembered Socks was there “IT'S BECAUSE OF Y- I MEAN, I-YOU-!” He let out a loud, angry shout and stormed out; pissed off. Socks jumped and handed Nadwe to Laff before following Meme “H-Hey Meme wait-!!”

Silence quickly filled the room, leaving Tbh irritated, Wictoria and Laff confused, and Nadwe babbling softly as he held the now empty bottle.

After a few seconds of silence, Dino moved closer and whispered quietly to Wictoria; “huge fan of your work, by the way, I really loved the setup of the bronestone wedding last fall. The lilacs for the table arrangements were a really nice touch, complimented the bluebell flowers around the altar really well..”

Wictoria smiled softly and looked at him “Well, thank you, darling..”

Dino nodded softly before turning and heading out the door to check on Joocie.

(Drama is F U N)

Father Laff AU (Socksfor1) Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now