Combat Training in New Asia

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Levi was surprised when he saw the next level, though his facial expression didn't change one bit. The floor was covered with a black mat and mirrors lined two of the walls. The other two walls had an impressive array of weapons hung on them. Swords, spears, bow and arrows, axes, knives, staffs and more weapons that Levi was unfamiliar with. But they all looked deadly. A couple of punching bags hung from the ceiling and in the corner a haphazard pile of small targets, boxing gloves, and various objects were precariously stacked together. Mei was already climbing to the next level, but  a sword hanging on the wall caught Levi's eye. It was hung separately from the rest of the swords, it was the same shape as the sword Mei had gifted Mikasa with, so he assumed it was also a , what was it called? A katana? But this one was different, longer and heavier than Mikasa's, this one had a blade made out of shiny black metal. The handle was made out of an obsidian, glass like material. Mei descended the stairs again when she realized he wasn't behind her anymore. Her eyes tightened slightly when she saw what he was looking at.
"I wouldn't touch that one if I were you," she said casually. Levi tore his eyes away from it. There was something strange about it, something he couldn't quite place.
Mei stared at him for a moment, "I think we should go down and see if your friends are up for a tour of the city."
Levi wordlessly followed her back down to the ground level. Mei moved silently and swiftly down the hall, knocking on each person's door as she went. They emerged, slightly sleepy, but excited to see the city. Mei was smiling, conversing freely with Mikasa. Mei led them to the entryway again, slipping on her boots, while the others followed suit. She walked down a gravel path, the others trailing behind.
They walked streets with rows of buildings where people seemed to live, work, and play. Street stalls were set up on every corner where they saw people trade anything, from food to trinkets, to clothes. Levi was puzzled that he did not see any money exchange hands, only items. Mei explained this was all they needed. A place to live, a place to  work, and enjoy life. This was where the bulk of New Asia's population resided. On the other side of town is where the warriors lived. Levi noticed the change in atmosphere on this side of town. A somber, darker mood pervaded these streets.
They passed a couple of buildings that Mei identified as the barracks, the mess hall, and then she stopped in front of a large square building with a large open space in front of it. "This is where we train," Mei explained, "Everything from 3DMG to martial arts, to meditation to weapons." Levi wasn't exactly sure what meditation was, Hange might know though.
Indeed the scientist's jaw had dropped. "Meditation, does that actually work?" she asked excitedly. Mei smiled slightly, "yes, it works, but it requires mental fortitude and razor sharp focus." Mei seemed amused at Hange's reaction but said nothing more. She poked her head through the door in the training hall and said something in that strange language.
24 kids, young to teenage years came streaming out the doors. They did a curious little bowing motion when they saw the strangers. One of the younger girls, she was so tiny, excitedly asked Mei something. Mei sternly admonished her in the same language and the little girl turned to smile at the strangers. "Hello! My name is Kiko. Mei says we all have to speak your language while you're here," the little girl said brightly. Erwin's eyebrows rose. "You have someone this young in military training?" he asked Mei. Mei shook her head,"No, this is school for those who want to learn combat in addition to all the other subjects we teach them," she said. "Its not the military, it's more of a way of life."

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