New Beginning

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**time skip** (sort of)
Levi, Erwin and Hange left New Asia shortly after Mikasa had last spoken to Levi. The Legion would not have been able to function very well in their absence. Mikasa stayed in bed the day of their departure. She couldn't bear to watch Levi ride away from her. A strange out of body experience had taken hold of her. Why was she like this? Eren was safe. Armin was safe. They were both living their dreams. Mei took them out daily for titan hunting expeditions. Titan slaying seemed more of a sport to the Asians, rather than the terrifying and deadly burden the Scouting Legion saw it as. Mikasa had noticed Mei alone seemed to be serious all the time. She would laugh and joke with her men, but Mikasa noticed a certain gloomy aura around her. Maybe she only noticed because she was stuck in a mire of depression herself.
By now the trio had thoroughly explored and learned New Asia. They were a tight knit community and they welcomed the three childhood friends with open arms. Armin spent a lot of time in the lab and the library. A few of the more studious Asian children seemed to have taken a liking to him. Mikasa saw him happier than she had ever seen him. As he was immersed in conversation with his new buddies, Mikasa saw a glow around him, one she had only seen when he had his grandfather's book about the outside world.
Eren on the other hand, seemed to be having the time of his life. He was constantly riding out on expeditions with Mei and the others and Mikasa always accompanied him. Or he was seen in the Sim room, honing his combat skills with some of the Asian kids there. His hero worship of Levi seemed forgotten as he admired the Asians' speed and technique. Sometimes in the evening when nothing much was going on, the three of them would sent in Eren and Armin's shared room together talking. Well, Mikasa did most of the listening. Eren was lively and happy. He seemed content.
If she wasn't on a mission with Eren, Mikasa spent her time roaming New Asia. Often times Mei would silently join her. She rarely spoke, she simply offered her silent companionship which Mikasa appreciated.
Today was different though. Mei spoke, "Don't worry. Soon Eren will slow down and we won't go out as much. However, I can see you've made some progress. I think that your thought are occupied by a different man now, am I right?" Mikasa flushed. "When are you ever not right?" she asked, avoiding the question. Mei shrugged, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder. I think you should visit him."
"I know," Mikasa whispered, " But it's an entire weeks journey. I don't want to leave Eren and Armin for that long."
Mei sighed. In truth she was quite frustrated with these two. Who doesn't want to be with the one they love? Her patience was thinning but she didn't let it show.
"Look Mikasa," she said sharply, "Don't make my mistake. Don't wait until it's too late to tell him how you really feel."
Mikasa jolted at her words. She had always known that Mei was not what she seemed. This was a rare glimpse into her past. Mikasa sighed. She did miss Levi, though she loathed to admit it to herself. What was it she missed exactly? Everything. She missed everything about him. The weird way he held his teacup, his awful jokes, his blunt attitude, she even missed the way he had always called all the cadets brats. But what she missed most of all was his fortitude. The way he carried himself despite the burdens placed on his shoulders as humanity's strongest. She only had a responsibility to Eren and Armin. He bore the weight of many lives on his shoulders.
If she was being honest with herself, she knew that she was scared of being happy with him, only to lose him. But isn't that why she was drawn to him? Of everyone she knew, Levi was probably the least likely to die. He was cautious unlike Eren's hot headedness and he was physically capable in contrast to Armin's frail build.
Mikasa buried her face in her scarf. What if she saw him and he rejected her? What if she told him how she felt and he didn't feel the same way because she had hurt him the last time they talked? What if, what if, what if?
She returned to her room that night, her head swirling with her thoughts. Thoughts of Levi, thoughts of a future that could be bright as day or darker than midnight. Was Mei right? Was being happy and losing that happiness better than staying broken?
The next morning Mikasa found Mei waiting by the stables, the reigns of two horses clutched her hand. "I left a note," Mei said, throwing a pair of reigns at Mikasa. Mikasa caught them without a word, jumping agilely on the back of her mount. The two women thundered through the gates together. Neither looked back.

Sorry guys, just a filler chapter. New chapter will be up soon.

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