Chapter 1- The Cold Alpha

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Zander's POV

"98, 99, 100." I say as I finish my morning work-out. Every day I work out twice a day. I have a routine that I follow strictly. I am extremely OCD. I like having my schedules and I like everything being in order. I hate chaos and disorganization. I am an alpha. I have followed a long line of alphas that are very wealthy. I want for nothing. I am an only child that has been extremely spoiled by my family. I just turned 18 which means it's my turn to take over officially as the alpha of our pack, the Midnight Storm Pack. It's the biggest, most successful pack in the country. No one dare messes with us. We have the best troops and we have the highest rank.

I have been waiting to turn 18 not only to become alpha, but also to finally find out who my mate is. I have a girlfriend that I hope is my mate. We don't know who our mate is until we see them after becoming of age. Once you see your mate after that point you can feel the connection or bond that you share. It's like a magnetic force that draws you together. I have been dating my girlfriend, Hannah for 3 years and I turned 18 yesterday. I plan to see her later tonight. I pray to the moon goddess that she's my mate. It would make my life so much easier.

We have always had fun together. We have great sex too. I mean I know I have nothing else to compare it to, but being with her feels good. If she isn't my mate, I don't think I want a mate. But an alpha without a mate is weak. Your mate is your other half. Without them you are never whole. Your mate brings you strength. I wish it wasn't this way but it is. All part of being a werewolf.

After finishing my day, I head over to Hannah's (my girlfriend's) house. It's the moment of truth to see if we are mates. I head into her house and we meet in the living room and lock eyes. To our utter disappointment, we are not mates.

"Damnit!!" I yell as I throw my hat down onto the couch.

"Baby, I was so hoping this would happen. It would have made things too easy though." She tells me.

"Yeah I guess." I reply. "Well I guess we have to break up now." I tell her.

"What??" She chokes back tears.

"Look Hannah, I am not dragging this out any more. I can't lead you on knowing we both have mates out there that and as soon as we meet them we will leave each other anyway. It's better to get this over with now. I care about you and we can stay friends. But this is for the best." I say without showing a lot of emotion.

Crying is weak. Alphas don't cry or act sad.

"But I love you." She says.

Oh God. The "L" word. It's not a word I have grown up hearing or using very often. I don't even truly know what love is. And she thinks she loves me? Not good.

"I'm sorry Hannah. I don't feel the same way." I tell her. At this she begins to sob uncontrollably.

"I hope you find your mate." Is all I say as I turn to leave her house.

My fist happens to hit a tree outside as I walk by. Stupid moon goddess couldn't make my life easy by making my mate the girl I have been with and cared for the last 3 years. Now I have to go through meeting someone new. I am not much of a people person. I keep to myself. I am a leader, not someone that socializes. My job is to run the pack efficiently and successfully. Maintain my family's fortune. That's all I truly care about right now. To hell with a mate. I don't care if I ever find her. I refuse to be weak. I can run my pack without one.

This is how I imagine Zander to look

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This is how I imagine Zander to look....

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