Chapter 9- Meeting Mom and Dad

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Zander's POV

The ball concludes and everyone leaves except for my parents. They ask to speak to me in my office. I say good night to Ariana and she heads up to bed. I tell her that I need to speak to them for a bit privately.

Once in the office, my parents waste no time laying into me.

"What are you doing messing around with a human girl?! My dad yells.

"Dad..." I start to say before he interrupts me.

"I don't even want to hear your excuses. You are just trying to get a piece of ass while you wait for you mate. That's stupid and you are just going to hurt the poor girl. Look what happened with Hannah." He reminds me of my ex.

I want to be anywhere but this room right now.

"James stop. Give the boy a chance to explain himself."  My mother reasons with my dad.

She was always the only one that could calm him down. Mate bond I guess.

"Well first of all, yes I realize she is human and it's extremely rare but...she's my mate." I tell them.

"Impossible!!" My father screams again.

"I know it's pretty much unheard of but she is my mate. I know it without a doubt. I tried to push her away because she was human and I didn't want that but I just keep getting pulled back to her. My wolf is obsessed." I tell him chuckling lightly.

"Son, why didn't you tell us before we threw this party?" My mother asks me.

"I didn't because I knew you wouldn't believe me. And at the time you planned this I was still trying to push her away. But I can't do it anymore. I need her." I tell her honestly.

"Son, I believe you but I also know that there is no way she can be completely human. Werewolves aren't mated to humans because it risks the exposure of our world. There is either something she isn't telling you or maybe there's something she doesn't know about her family. Do you know anything?" She asks me.

"All I know is that she has a little brother, the younger kid hanging around me earlier. She was raised very poor and her father abused her." I leave out the part about me killing him. Not necessary information.

"What about her mother?" She asks me.

"I honestly don't know that much about her. Only that she passed away." I tell her.

"Well we need to talk to her. We need to find out more about her to figure out how you are mated to one another. There is always a connection to the werewolf world when it comes to mates." She concludes.

"Well I am not going to let you badger her like you have me." I tell them sternly.

"We promise we won't. We need to find answers." She says.

"You're a damn alpha for Christ's sakes!! You can't be mated to a nobody!" My dad yells still on edge.

"You will not talk about my mate that way!!!!" I scream back in his face.

Sick and tired of him today.

"That's enough boys. James go take a walk and cool off. Zander please go get your mate and bring her back with you." My mother says to both of us.

She gives us a look that means she's not fucking around. We both get up and quickly exit the room.

Ariana's POV

I feel like I am floating on a cloud. Zander kissed me. He said I was beautiful. I never thought that someone as good looking as Zander would think I was beautiful.I have changed out of my clothes into my pajamas and I am just getting ready to snuggle into bed, when I hear a knock on the door. Probably Zander. I open the door to see it's none other than him. He gives me a very longing look. It's like a switch flipped. He went from pushing me away and acting like I annoyed him to being affectionate. God men are confusing.

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