Chapter 20- Jealousy

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Zander's POV

I hear a gasp behind me and I turn around to see what it going on. As I do, I notice Ariana staring at me after giving Hannah a hug. It was completely innocent but I can tell Ariana is not happy. She turns around and bolts back into the mansion and I chase after her. Just as I am almost to her bedroom door she slams it in my face.

"Ariana. Open the door now." I use my alpha voice authoritatively so she will do as I say.

"Go to hell!!" She yells. Woah did she really just defy me?

"Ariana, open this door right or I will break it down and trust me I can do it!" My voices booms.

I hear the door unlock and I open it quickly. She lays on the bed with her head covered up with pillows. I can hear her quiet sobs. Damnit. Only her cries can break my heart.

"Ariana..." I begin before she interrupts me.

"No Zander. I don't want to even hear it. She hugged you then she kissed you. I saw it with my own eyes! Hannah still has a thing for you and I hate her!!" She cries and flings her head back down onto the bed.

I climb onto the bed next to her and gently rub her back.

"Listen, she was just apologizing to me for making a spectacle of herself at your party last night. She is happy that I finally found my mate. She is only my friend." I tell her honestly.

I don't feel anything for Hannah anymore. She was my first girlfriend and that's all it is. Nothing more.

"She's just trying to suck you in. She made faces at me when she saw me standing behind you. She is still in love with you." She says pitifully.

"Look, I know it's hard but in order to be a good leader you have to trust your pack and I trust Hannah. And as a Luna you can't be getting all upset over small things." She sits up at that comment and looks at me sadly.

"You are so cute when you are jealous." I tell her.

"I'm not jealous." She says unconvincingly.

"Oh really?" I ask moving closer to her. She notices this and she jumps off the bed.

"Ok maybe I am a little jealous. But how would you feel if someone was hugging all over me or kissed me?" She asks.

I growl and it takes all but two seconds to cage her in against the wall.

"No one better ever touch you. You are mine. I am yours." I tell her sternly.

She looks back at me with her gray/blue eyes and I can't help but kiss her passionately. She kisses me back with just as much intensity. I pick her up and carry her to her bed. I slowly undo the buttons of her shirt.

"This is mine." I say as I stroke down her chest and stomach with my hands.

"And these are mine." I stop and nip and suck on her breasts. She moans in appreciation. I then slide off her pants and underwear.

I begin to kiss up her legs slowly. "Mine." I say again and then I make my way right up to her treasured spot between her legs and I stop one last time as I stare in admiration. "All mine." I say huskily before devouring her pussy lips.

"Zander......oh......mmmmm...yeah..." she mutters out incoherently.

Yep. That must make her feel pretty good. It's not long before she has a beautiful orgasm in front of me. I stalk up her body.

"You are my everything. I want only you." I tell her truthfully. I make my way back to her face as she is still breathless from her high just moments ago.

"Turn around." I demand her.

She does as she is told and quite eagerly. I have her sit on her knees at first as I strip and get myself situated. I then have her stand on her knees on the bed as I approach her from behind. I insert myself quickly to her surprise and I begin thrusting in and out of her in quick, hard movements. I rub her breasts and kiss up and down her neck vigorously as I continue to fuck her from behind. It's not long before she is coming undone again with a series of moans and groans. I then quickly turn her around before she knows what is happening and I finish slowly as I look into her eyes and kiss her beautiful lips. "Mine." I tell her one last time.

"Yours." She replies breathlessly as we both smile at one another.

I am suddenly jolted awake at the sound of one of pack warriors mind linking me.

"Alpha. I need to talk to you, can you come meet me downstairs?" My warrior Chase asks me.

"I'll be right down." I respond quickly.

I look around the room and realize that I fell asleep in Ariana's room with her. I kiss her sweet face and she lets out a happy sigh in her sleep. I quietly creep out of her room and downstairs where Chase is waiting for me.

"What's going on Chase?" I demand.

"Alpha, we spotted rogues along the northern border trying to cross into our territory. We captured them and asked why they were trying to enter here and they told us they are after Ariana." He finishes.

"Like fuck will they get my mate!!!!! We will start extra patrols around the clock. Make sure you take those rogues to the dungeons. Don't you dare touch them either. You leave them for me." I demand my voice seething with anger.

"Yes alpha." He says before leaving abruptly.

I quickly mind-link Tyler.

"Tyler. We have some fuckers trying to mess with this pack. Let's go show them why they don't mess with the Midnight Storm Pack." I seethe out.

Tyler and I head down to the dungeons to have a chat with these rogues. We walk in the cell and I waste no time getting down to business.

"Which one of you fuckers wants to be the first to tell me who the fuck sent you here and why? I may make your death less painful." I boom angrily.

Their eyes almost bulge out of their sockets. Good. I hope your last moments are nothing but terrifying. One of them finally decided to speak up.

"Alpha Dante of the Moon Haze Pack." He says.

"Why?" I ask curiously.

"He didn't say. He just paid us each $500 to capture your mate and bring her back to him." One of the other wolves says.

"Well I think you are lying and I think you know more than what you say. But even if you don't you just made the biggest mistake of your life. Because no one fucks with me or my mate. No one." I say as I shift into my wolf form and kill all of them within a minute.

Now to go talk to that bastard Dante and see what the fuck he wants with my mate.

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