Chapter 5- Getting to Know Zander

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Ariana's POV

I am laying in bed feeling excited. Never in my life have I felt this way. Suddenly he enters the room. Zander. And he's completely naked? Oh. My. God. Not an ounce of fat anywhere and man is he well endowed. Wait, why am I not freaking out right now? Before I can even process what is going on Zander is on top of me and is kissing me passionately as I wrap my legs around him. He begins to trail kisses down my neck and my breasts. Wait. I am naked too? What is going on? He makes his way down to my most sacred area. Why am I not freaking out? It's because I want this. Right when he is about to touch me I am jolted awake.

"Are you ok?" I suddenly hear a voice ask.

I look over to see Zander standing beside the bed.

"What are you doing?! More importantly what were we doing?" I ask exasperated.

"What? I heard you yelling my name so I came in to see what was wrong. Were you dreaming about me?" He asks with a smirk.

"I....uuuhhhhh." Is all that I stutter as I check to make sure I do actually have clothes on and I head to the restroom. I can't help but to blush red though. What in the world is wrong with me?

When I return to my room from the bathroom Zander is gone. Good. I get ready and head downstairs for breakfast. What a delicious spread that is laid out on the table. Yum! I see Eli has already made his way to the table and is chowing down.

"You're late again." Zander grumbles.

Geez. What is it with him and time? I sit down and begin to enjoy my meal.

After eating a few bites I tell Zander, "I am going job hunting today in the village." I say with a smile.

"No you are not." Zander replies back.

Umm. Yeah why do you think you are my boss buddy? You aren't much older than me I think to myself.

"Why?" I question him.

"Don't question my authority. You aren't ready yet. You need time. Plus they aren't just going to hire a young girl with no experience." He says.

God. He's such an ass. I seriously think I hate him. Men are such assholes. I am never getting married. All the men in my life have always tried to control me and treat me like dirt.

"I think I have had enough to eat." I say as I excuse myself.

I run to my bedroom and shut and lock it before anyone follows me in. I want to be alone. I lay on my bed and sob quietly into my pillow.

Zander's POV

I walk to my office after finishing my breakfast. The rest of my meal was complete silence. Ariana's brother Eli is a very strange kid. He hasn't said a word to me since he's been here. I am not even sure he can talk. Maybe he's a mute. While I am in my office trying to focus on my work, I can't stop thinking about her. The way she was moaning my name in her sleep. It turned me on. But I couldn't let her know that. And I don't want her like that. She's a poor, pitiful human girl that has had a rough life. I feel sorry for her but that is it. Nothing else. And she's lucky she isn't a werewolf because if she were, she never would have gotten away with taking to me like she did at breakfast.

But I think it's hot. My wolf interrupts my thoughts.

Yeah because you are a horny dog that wants his mate. Not even sure why you want her? She doesn't have a wolf.

You are so stupid. You know nothing about her. You don't even try to ask. At least try. He says to me.

No way. I say simply back to him in my head. I then block him from my thoughts so I can finish up my work.

Ariana's POV

"I really don't like him." I tell Eli.

"But he is letting us stay here and giving us free clothes, shelter, and food. We need to be thankful." He reminds me.

He's right.

"He just needs to learn to be nicer to people. He thinks he is better than us because he is rich. I don't like people like that." I defend my earlier statement.

"Maybe he will change." He replies back.

I just shrug my shoulders at that response. There is nothing for us to do here. I am so bored. I think I am going to go exploring the mansion.

"Eli, I am going to walk around a little bit and get to the know the place. Would you like to come along?" I ask him.

"No. I just want to go rest in my room and watch tv. I can't believe he has TV!" He says excitedly.

"Ok buddy. I will come back to check on you later."
I tell him.

It makes me happy to see him happy. I turn away from him and exit his room to begin my exploration.

I walk around for a while looking in all the rooms. There's a library, a large dining hall, several bathrooms, 2 kitchens, 10 bedrooms, a pool, a movie room and much more! This place has everything. I start to think about what Eli was saying. It is really generous of Zander to let us stay here. Even though he can be an ass. I get so lost in thought that I don't pay attention to where I am going and I bump into something and nearly fall down a flight of stairs. I prepare for impact but it never comes. It's then that I realize that I didn't run into an object, it was a person. Zander. And now he is holding me tightly against him so I don't fall. He saved me. Where our skin touches I feel sparks and tingles that feel amazing. We look each other in the eyes very intensely for a few moments. I get lost in his eyes. The gold flecks in the brown. He has beautiful lashes that a girl would envy. Our faces are dangerously close to one another. I watch his eyes travel down to my lips. Oh my God. Is he going to kiss me? It looks like he might be debating it. Oh Lord. I have never kissed anyone before. I close my eyes and lean forward waiting for him to lean in but it never happens.

Instead he just harshly says, "Watch where you are going! You are clumsy." He sneers.

Geez did I misread that. "Sorry." Is all that I manage to mutter back to him. We both go our separate ways after that. God he's so confusing. I just don't understand why I feel the way that I feel when he touches me or looks at me a certain way. It's unnerving and frustrating. I hope all men aren't this way.

Author's note

I know things are off to a slow start but it will pick up and get better. Just trying to give a lot of background info and develop their relationship. Give it time. Thanks for reading!

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