Chapter 2- Poor and Pitiful

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Ariana's POV

I wake up sore and achy. Sleeping on the floor gets so old. Especially being 17 years old. I am almost an adult. It's time get out on my own. I hate to leave my little brother Eli though. I want to take him with me but I know my dad would never go for that. He's only 10. I head to the kitchen to try to find us something to eat. Nothing. Not even a crumb. Another day of going to the village to steal us some breakfast and attempt to escape without getting caught. I have had a couple of close calls but I always get away.

I throw on my rags. When I say rags, I mean rags. I only have a few shirts and pants and they are all very tattered and worn. We live in a very small home. We don't have a washer or dryer. I wash mine and my brother's clothes in the kitchen sink with whatever soap I can manage. I do this once a week.

My brother and I leave the house in search of food. Again we know it's going to have to be stolen...whatever we get. We have no money. Our mother died giving birth to Eli and my father has raised us. He works at a factory making very little and the money he does get is used to buy prostitutes, drugs, and alcohol. He is not a good man. I know that sounds like an awful thing to say about your father but you don't know the awful things he has done to us.

Flashback to 2 years ago:

"Daddy please?! Stop!" I yell as he beats my little brother.

"Hit me." I say.

"Gladly." He says as he punches me as hard as he can in the nose.

I see stars and I hit the floor. I almost lose consciousness as I hear my little brother scream in the background. As I lay there in pain, my father gets on top of me and tries to force himself on me. Just like he has many of times since I turned 13. Luckily every time he either passes out or my brother hits him over the head with something to make him stop. He never remembers anything the next day, he just thinks he falls and hits his head in his drunken stupers. When he isn't drinking he is mentally abusive and cold. I prefer that side though than the physical stuff any day. My brother comes to my rescue and hits him over his head with his whiskey bottle. Thank you God and Eli.

End flashback

I shake my head of my thoughts as we approach the outskirts of the village. Where will I get our food? I find a cart with lots of baked goods. I think that's my target. An older lady is manning the food cart. Time to do our usual bit. I have never seen her before so I know she won't recognize us.

"Hello!" I greet the lady with a smile.'

"Can I help you?" She asks sweetly.

"Actually I am not really sure what to pick, can you tell me all about what you have? I have trouble reading the menu." I lie to distract her.

She then begins to list off the menu as my brother sneaks behind her and grabs a sack full of goodies. Once she finishes reading the menu, I tell her I forgot my wallet at home and would be back.

"That's ok dear. Have a pastry. It's on the house."
She says as she hands me a roll and looks at me with pity.

I instantly feel guilty as I take the tasty treat and thank her before scurrying off to catch up to Eli. She knew I couldn't afford anything there. I wish we wouldn't have to steal to eat. I hate being dishonest. One day soon I will hopefully be able to get out on my own and get a job to support Eli and myself and we won't have to do this anymore.

Eli and I sneak off into the woods before we are caught and start to feast. While we sit there eating, we are suddenly approached by some large men. They look very intimidating.

"What are you kids doing here?" One man asks us very seriously.

Shit. We are busted. "Ummm..." I stutter as I try to think of an excuse.

"More importantly, where did you get all of that food?" They look at us skeptically. Double Shit.

"Well sir, we stopped at the market for our mother and we were a little hungry so we decided to stop and grab a bite to eat on our way back home." I fib to them.

"Yeah, I am not buying that. You kids look like you don't have a pot to piss in let alone buy all those baked goods. Plus you are trespassing on private lands. You are coming with us." They say to us.

Damnit. What have I gotten us into? We are going to be in so much trouble when we get home.

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