Chapter 21- You Are My Only Weakness

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Ariana's POV

I wake up to find Zander is no longer in bed with me and the sunlight is shining right in my eyes. I get up slowly and get dressed. Zander has to leave me alone for a few days. Whether he wants to or not.

I make my way downstairs and make food Eli and myself. Charlotte and James have since returned to their home. I like it when it's just the 3 of us. I love Zander's parents but it's nice to just have our little family. Family. It's nice to finally have a family. I have wanted this for so long. I can't wait to have a bunch of little Zander's running around too. Ok I have to stop now. Getting ahead of myself a bit. I haven't even discussed any of that stuff with Zander yet. What if he doesn't want children? My heart hurts at the thought of that. I really do have to have that conversation with him though eventually. Eli and I decide to relax on the couch and watch a movie after breakfast. I wonder where Zander is? Probably tending to his alpha duties. This mate bond is really something. I hate being away from him. It's crazy.

As the day wears on and night time sets, in I start to become worried that I haven't seen Zander all day. I text him and he doesn't respond. Then I decide to text Ashley and she responds back quickly.

The boys had to take care of some pack business out of the territory. They will be back soon. :)

I smile at her text. I am glad I have her as a friend. I begin texting back and forth with her a bit when I hear a door slam and a very angry alpha comes storming in and zooms past us. Eli and I give each other a questioning look and I get up to find my handsome mate. I find him in his office and he doesn't once look my way when I enter the room. I know he can sense my presence. This whole mate bond thing is really something. Did I do something to make him mad?

"Zander, are you ok?" I ask timidly.

He looks up at me glaring and responds "I'm fine."

That's it. He says nothing else. What is up with him?

"Well the mate bond is telling me otherwise?" I state calmly.

"Fuck the mate bond!! It's getting to my head too much. I just need a break!!" He yells back at me and storms out of the room.

Ouch. That really hurt. I decide to go tell Eli that I am going to bed and I go to my room to try and give Zander some space. I don't know what I did but his anger towards me is killing me. As I head to my room, I run into Zander in the hallway. He goes to ignore me. I am going to give him his space but I am going to have my say first.

Before he can completely go out of earshot, I tell him "I am not sure what I did but I am sorry. I didn't mean to make you angry. If I did something I shouldn't have I would rather you tell me than just ignore whatever it was so I can be more thoughtful in the future. But I am going to give you your space." I finish sadly as I choke back tears and head towards my room.

Before I can make it in there or even process what it happening Zander grabs me and cages me against the wall as he kisses me like his life depends on it. Like I was his only source of Oxygen. After a minute I have to come up for air.

"I guess I am forgiven?" I say smiling. He picks me up and carries me to his room.

Oh a change of scenery. He throws me onto his big, soft bed and he climbs on top of me as he stares intensely at my eyes.

"Ariana, I am not mad at you at all. It's nothing that you did. I was angry at a situation with another pack and I took it out on you. I am so sorry. I never should have treated you that way. You are my everything. You and Eli are my life. I would do anything to keep you safe. I hope you know that." He says as he looks at me with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"Zander, honey we aren't going anywhere. And we are safe as long as we are with you. We both love you more than anything in the world." I tell him as I look at him fondly.

"I don't know if that's true. I think I put you in more danger." He says almost fearfully.

An alpha can be fearful? Almost as if he reads my thoughts he says "You are my one weakness Ariana. Alphas are very strong and gain strength once they meet their mate but you will always be my biggest weakness. Because I put your needs ahead of my own. Other people know this and can try to manipulate me. I can't let anything happen to you. It would kill me." He says as a lone tear falls down his cheek.

"I didn't mean what I said earlier. I don't want to take a break from this. I just don't like that the mate bond makes me feel weaker in some ways. I have never felt that before and it scares me. I am an alpha. I am supposed to always be strong." He tells me.

I respond by kissing him with as much passion as I ever had before. We slowly begin peeling the clothes off of each other breaking our kisses only to take breaths or to remove an article of clothing. Once we are both entirely naked, he lays on top of me with his body pressed tightly up against mine. He never stops kissing me as he slowly enters inside of me and pumps in and out at an an antagonizingly slow pace. I feel the familiar sensation start to build in my pelvis and I moan and pant into his mouth as he continuously kisses me, never stopping once even after I climax. He finds his release soon after but never breaks the kiss. Even afterwards his mouth almost stays glued to mine for several minutes.

"Now that was making love." He tells me as I blush a bit.

"Yes it was. I love you Zander. I will never get enough of the love you make me feel." I tell him sincerely.

We lie there cuddling one another for a long time just caressing each other until we both drift off into a deep sleep.

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