Chapter 23-Taken

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Ariana's POV

I wake up feeling very tired and weak. I think my first shift is coming. I look over to see that Zander is no longer laying next to me. He kept his word and helped me move all my things into his room.

I take a quick shower and make my way downstairs. I meet the gorgeous blue eyes of my mate as I walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning beautiful? Did you sleep well?" Zander asks as he gives me a chaste kiss.

"Yes...mmmm....I am still really tired." I say as I yawn.

"Sorry baby. I just can't resist you at night. I will leave you alone tonight so you can get a good night's sleep." He says.

I just smirk as I remember all the fun we had last night. Zander is insatiable and has the energy and stamina of well I don't even know what.

"Come eat." He says and I head to the table.

Zander's parents left a few days ago to go back home and I miss his mom. She was such a good cook. I miss her food and her company. Zander's cooking is fine and all, I just never had anything to compare it to until she came along. But I sit down thankful to have something to eat. I begin to devour my food. I didn't realize how hungry was.

"Hungry sis?" Eli asks as he smirks taking a big sip of his orange juice.

I suddenly feel very nauseous and stop eating.

"I'm....going to be sick." I say as I dart out of the dining room and barely make it to the bathroom in time.

After emptying my stomach, I feel Zander's hands patting my back soothingly.

"Baby....are you ok?" he asks me.

"I think so. I think my shift may be coming today. I just feel off. I may go back to sleep for a while." I tell him.

"Ok. Are you sure?" He asks looking worried.

"Yes. I am sure." I tell him sweetly.

"Ok baby. I have to go out of the area for the day. Alpha duties. I will be back later tonight. You stay in and rest. But if you do decide to go anywhere don't forget to take Max and Jake." He says.

"Ok." I respond simply.

I walk back up to our room annoyed. Max and Jake are my bodyguards. Zander is so paranoid something is going to happen to me that he has me under constant surveillance. As much as I love how protective he is of me, it's annoying to have someone constantly watching every move make. It sorta feels like how I felt with my dad. He was always watching and we would be punished if we didn't do what we were supposed to do.

I lay back under the covers and quickly drift back to sleep. I awaken several hours later and it's dark outside.

How long did I sleep?

I get up and use the restroom. I must have really needed that rest. I head out to the hallway to see that my body guards are fast asleep. I chuckle and tip toe past them. I walk down the hall to check on Eli. He is also out cold. I head down to the kitchen to get a snack and realize it's 11:00 PM. I look at my phone and see I have a missed text from Zander a few hours ago saying he won't be home until after midnight. I text him back quickly to tell him I will see him when he gets here.

I can't believe I slept that long! I will never sleep tonight. I decide to head out to the porch to get some fresh air and to look at the moon that is almost full. There's not a cloud in the sky and it's absolutely gorgeous. I get so lost in the beautiful scenery that I don't hear someone when they approach me. Before I can scream from being startled I am grabbed and my mouth is covered. I try to fight my unknown captor but they are much too strong. Probably another werewolf. I am carried and thrown into the back of vehicle face first. They quickly grab my hands and tie them behind my back. They also put a bag over my head that had a breathing hole for my mouth but no other way for me to see my surroundings. I hear them exit the vehicle, shut the door and then open the front door and get in. Soon the engines roars to life and the car quickly peels out of the driveway. I finally find my voice again as it starts to sink in that I being kidnapped.

"What do you want with me?" I ask hesitantly.

"Shut up! You will see soon enough." The unknown voice says.

"You are making a huge mistake. Zander will make you pay for this." I threaten hoping they will change their mind.

The driver scoffs.

"I am not afraid of your alpha. Stupid girl." He says.

I decide to spend the rest of my ride in silence. I am wasting my time talking to whoever this is right now. I will wait until I get wherever we are going and I will try to find out more.

Once we arrive, I am roughly taken out of the vehicle and forced to walk with my hands tied behind my back while my kidnapper leads me. The bag is still over my head preventing me from seeing where we are going. I can tell we go inside somewhere as it gets colder. We are walking down stairs and the further we go, the colder and darker it gets. Why are we going underground?

Then the smell hits me. It smells like blood, sweat, human waste, body odor, and rotting flesh. My stomach instantly gets nauseous and I begin to gag.

Not again.

It's takes everything in me to hold my breathe and try not to smell the disgusting stench surrounding me. We finally stop walking and I hear the sound of clanking metal. I feel something cold grasp my wrist and suddenly the bag is ripped off my head.

For the first time in over an hour my eyes are seeing light so it takes just a moment to adjust my sight. Once I do, I see a sight that sickens me instantly. The guy that kidnapped me stands in front of me next to a girl that I have seen way more times that I would have liked to. See smiles at me looking like the snake that she is.


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