Chapter 7- Growing Closer

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Ariana's POV

Mortified. That's the only way to describe what just happened. I just walked in on Zander pleasuring himself. I know about sex and puberty. I read about it in books. But it's weird hearing someone else in the act. At least I didn't see anything. Just heard it. Oh sweet Lord I hope that was a dream. I pinch myself to make sure. Nope it was real. I fall down onto my bed and hide my head under the pillows after running back into my room. How will I ever face him again? I might die of embarrassment. But I know he is embarrassed too. Probably more so than me. Maybe I should just act like I didn't hear anything. Maybe we can both act like it never happened and just go on with our lives? Ugh this is awful. After a few minutes I hear a knock at the door. Oh God here we go.

"Come in." I say hesitantly as Zander strolls through the door.

"You see what I just did. It's called knocking. You should try it sometime." He says sarcastically.

Smart ass I think to myself.

"Look, I am really sorry. I thought I was coming into your office. There are so many rooms in this house and I get confused. I apologize believe me. I actually just came in to tell you I am sorry for bumping into you and not watching where I was going earlier." I tell him.

"It's fine." He says unconvincingly. "I mean barging into my room wasn't fine but the whole bumping into each other thing, I am over it." He responds.

"Ok good." I say.

"So are you going to come join me?" He asks.

"What?!?" I exclaim with a look of shock and horror on my face.

"What? Oh God No! I meant for dinner." He corrects my earlier line of thinking.

"Sure." I answer relieved as I follow him downstairs. I don't think anything could get more awkward between us.

We make small talk as we eat. Zander actually tries to make conversation with Eli for a change which I find sweet of him to do. I decide to bring up trying to find a job again. Zander stops me.

"Look, I know I can be an asshole sometimes. But I am trying here. I want to help you so let me help you. Plus you do help keep me company in this big empty house." He says.

That was probably the nicest thing he ever said to me. Deep down I think he is a good person. A little spoiled, bipolar, and cocky, but a good person. We finish our meal and go watch a movie in the movie room. One of my favorites. It's a total chick flick but the guys let me watch it. I always tear up at this part. Suddenly my favorite scene is interrupted by Zander's snoring. I know he is mocking me. Ass. I smack his chest and he laughs hysterically. God I could get used to that laugh and seeing him smile. He is sexy. His chest must be made of steel because that kind of stung my hand. He can tell it did too by the way I am holding it now. "Let me see it." He says as he reaches for my hand. I place my hand in his and he examines it for a moment before interlocking our fingers. Wait is he holding my hand? He then puts my hand down and says,

"Everything is fine. No breaks. You can still move everything you are good." He smiles at me.

"Thanks." I reply unsure of who this guy is. He's definitely not the Zander I first met.

The next week goes by quickly and things get a little better with Zander each day. He is treating us better and actually talks to us. Not just being cold like he was all the time the first few days. He has showed us all around the mansion and let us check out the ball room. He even told me that his work is having a gala next weekend and he is hosting it here. I am so excited. I have never been to anything like that. I only went to school until I was in middle school and then dad "homeschooled" us. We never did anything though. I know how to read and write and do basic math so that's all I really need. I never got to go to a school dance. Zander is buying me a gown. I can't wait! It's going to be so fun!

Zander's POV

I told Ariana about the ball. She thinks it has to do with my work. She has no clue what it's really for. I also told my mother that I had a human friend that I am helping out right now and that she would be here. So we can't talk about werewolves and mates. Werewolves can always tell when humans are around and there is a law that they can't reveal their wolf in front of a human. So all the werewolves there will know not to do anything stupid. They may question why there is a human there, but because I am the alpha and they know better than to question me they won't say a word. We will all just act like it's a normal party and if I were to find my mate I would deal with it privately. mom thinks. Little does she know though that my mate is pretty much already living with me. Still not sure how I am going to handle that. Ariana and Eli are really growing on me. I never realized how truly lonely I was. Hannah was very boring the more and more I think about it. So was I. Ariana brings out another side in me. I kind of like it too. I really hope this ball goes smoothly and that I get my mom and dad out of my hair until I can figure out how to tell them about my human mate.

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