Chapter Five

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A few days later was Bella's birthday, Christina woke up early so she could surprise Bella with a nice breakfast before school. After setting the pancakes and fruit as well as eggs and bacon on the table, Christina could hear Charlie in Bella's room "I don't know Bells, I think I see a gray hair." Christina laughed as she got the coffee and orange juice ready to be put on the table. Sitting down at the table she heard both Swans come down the stairs. As Bella walked into the kitchen Christina yelled "Happy Birthday Bella!" Bella smiled at her cousin and thanked her and sat down next to her at the table. Charlie sat down across from them "Chris, this looks really good" Bella nodded her head "yeah this looks delicious, thanks a lot." Christina beamed, glad she was able to make Bellas day a little nicer "you are both welcome, now dig in before it gets cold."

After breakfast Charlie went to clean up the kitchen while Bella left for school and Christina headed upstairs to get ready for work. Going down the stairs she met Charlie at the door and said goodbye as they both walked out to their cars and headed off in separate directions. Walking into work she walked in the back and hung up her jacket and put her apron on. Walking up front she notices a familiar face at the register "Sam? Hi how are you?" Sam smiles and says "Hi, I just had breakfast with a couple of friends, how have you been?" Christina rang him up and smiled "I've been good, how have you been?" Sam looks her in the eyes "I've been good, I've got to go but I'll see you later?" She nods and says "have a great day Sam." He waves as he walks out and Christina smiles to herself as Cora walks up to her. "Hmmm now who was that and why didn't you get his number?" Christina laughed and said "he's just someone I met the other day, all I know is his first name, we barely know each other." Cora raises her eyebrows "yeah well it sure seemed like he wanted to get to know you a bit more." Christina just laughed as the next customer approached.

After work Christina started her car and checked her phone, seeing several missed calls from Charlie she called him back "Chris tell me you've seen Bella" Christina frowned "No Charlie I'm sorry I just got off work I'm on my way home though and I'll keep an eye out for her on my way." "Okay Chris, I'll see you soon, love you" "Love you too Uncle Charlie."

As Christina pulled in the driveway she saw several people gathered around the front yard. She ran up to her uncle and gave him a hug "any word from Bella yet?" Charlie sighed "no, nothing yet." Christina looked around and asked "what about Edward, has anyone reached out to him, or his family?" "Chris I called but nobody answered." Charlie ran his hands over his face "Charlie, the Cullens left town" Billy stated making Charlie hang his head "where could she be" he whispered. Christina ran her hand over his back and looked around the yard, in the distance she saw someone walking out of the woods at the same time that a kid standing next to Billy spoke up "Charlie, Sam has her." Charlie ran over to Sam and took her from his arms to take her inside "she seems okay, might be a little cold but she should be fine." Christina walked up to Sam and even though she barely knew him, she put her arms around him in a hug. "Thank you" she whispered as he wrapped his arms tightly around her small frame. Sam soothingly rubbed her back and said "anytime, I'm always here to help."

Slowly Christina stepped away from Sam and smiled at him "I better get inside and see if he needs any help with Bella, thanks again Sam." Sam smiled, ran his hand on her cheek and said "No problem, I'll see you later, okay?" She nodded and turned away going into the house and upstairs to Bellas room. Charlie was walking out of the room closing the door "how is she doing?" Charlie sighed and said "She seems to be okay, something happened with Edward though, she won't stop saying 'he's gone'. I wish I knew what she meant." Christina hugged him and said "we'll figure it out in the morning, let's just go to bed now." He nodded, kissed the top of her head and said "I know I've said it before but I'm really glad that you're here." Christina smiled and said "so am I, goodnight Uncle Charlie, love you." "Love you too kiddo."

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