Chapter Nineteen

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*Hey everyone, apologies again for the later update. I wasn't really feeling up to writing this past week and I didn't want to just write some chapters just to update the book, I want to give you chapters that I actually feel good about. Should I ever (no plans on it though) choose to stop writing entirely I will update you all.  I appreciate each and everyone of you that has read it so far. I hope you enjoy this one also :) *

Later that evening Christina, Sam, and Charlie were all sitting around the table talking. It wasn't a conversation that Christina really wanted to have but Sam convinced her that it was best to let Charlie know what was happening with her ex.

"So let me get this straight, your ex was abusive and is now basically stalking you? Chris, why didn't you tell me any sooner?" Charlie looked at the girl with hurt in his eyes "it's my job to help protect you."

Christina felt her eyes glaze over "I don't know, you had so much going on with Bella and the town and you just let me come stay with you, I didn't want to drop anything more on you." Christina looked down at her lap and Sam grabbed her hand holding it tightly.

"Chris, you're family, it's my job to protect you. When your dad died I promised that I would look out for you, I can't do that if you don't let me know that there is an issue."

"I know, I'm sorry Uncle Charlie." Christina looked up at him and smiled "I'll try to be open with you from now on."

"Good, now, how about you get me those numbers that called or texted you and I'll look into them. I'm glad you went and changed your number already or that would be our next move."

Sam spoke up "do you think he knows where she is, like is there a possibility he traced anything with the phone?" Charlie sighed "honestly I have no clue, I can ask one of the detectives in Port Angeles and see if they know anything of it. As for now we just need to keep you safe."

Christina nodded and felt Sam tense up beside her "nothing out of the ordinary as happened at work, same customers day in and out and the only issue I've had is on my phone. Hopefully all that will now go away with this new number."

"That's what I'm hoping too. Sad thing is you just never know in this type of situation. We'll just take it day by day until we know anything further. I'll get in contact with some friends out in Port Angeles and see what they can do to help. Any info on your ex I'll take too, like his full name your previous address, stuff like that."

"Okay, I'll write it all out and get it to you in the morning." Charlie nodded and stood up "sounds good, well kids, it's been a long day and I'm beat, I'm gonna head up to bed now." He walked over and kissed Christina on the top of her head "night kiddo" and shook Sam's hand "have a good night Sam."

"You too Charlie" Sam replied seemingly relaxed more. "Night Uncle Charlie, love you." Charlie started to climb the stairs "love you too Chris"

Christina leaned her head on Sam's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer. "So want to tell me what had you on edge for a bit there?"

Sam sighed and ran his fingers through her hair "Jacob was in Bella's room a bit ago. He's not allowed to tell her so I'm hoping I don't have anything to get on him about now." Christina leaned up and kissed his cheek "I'm sure everything will be fine. Maybe Bella will perk up a bit too." Sam leaned down and kissed her on the lips "maybe, well I better head out too, early patrol tomorrow morning." Sam stood from his chair and held out his hand for Christina to take "Come on, you need your rest too. What do you work tomorrow?"

She stood up and followed him to the door "I'm on lunch duty so I go in at 11 and leave at 6." Sam nodded "okay, how about I call you when you're out?" She nodded "yeah, that would be nice." Once they got to the door Sam turned and pulled her into his arms and began to kiss her, she put her arms around his neck and felt his go around her waist slightly deepening the kiss. Pulling away slightly breathless she looked up at him "Sam, thank you for always being here for me when I've needed you." He smiled down at her "I'll always be here no matter what." She smiled back at him as he pulled away. "I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?" She nodded "Bye Sam."

Closing and locking the door after she heard his truck start up she gathered the dishes from dinner and decided to wait until morning to wash them. Making her way upstairs she turned off the lights. She got into her room and plugged her phone in, then went to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. Once she finished she got her pajamas on and climbed into bed, pulling the covers up over her so she was nice and warm. Falling asleep she felt the safest she'd felt since she had moved in.

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