Chapter Eighteen

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The next morning Christina woke up as she normally did and got ready for the day. After making her way downstairs she noticed the house extremely quiet but didn't think anything of it. Looking out the window she noted the absence of her uncle and cousins vehicles. Grabbing her coffee she decided that she would enjoy it outside on the lawn picking up her phone she noticed a text from Sam "hey I hope you have a good day, I'll see you after you get out of work." She sent a quick reply "thanks, have a good day too, looking forward to seeing you again." Christina finished her coffee and took her mug inside to rinse it out.

Going outside she went to her car and made her way to work. As she went into the back she hung her jacket up and put her apron on. Seeing the cook in the back she greeted him "hey Dan, how it's going?" He looked over at her "pretty good, how are you?" "I'm doing good also, hows Megan?" "Megan is doing good, she's just anxious for the baby to arrive." Christina nodded "oh I bet, were you guys able to finish the room set up?" "Yeah, everything is ready to go, once I get the call I'll be out of here." Christina laughed "you better, I don't think she'd appreciate it if you didn't show up." He laughed and nodded "right you are. Well I better get going on the rest of the prep, let me know if you need help setting up." "Will do, thanks."

As Christina went about setting up for the day she got another text message on her phone "I will find you and get you back." The message shook her as it was coming from another number and she quickly blocked it again. She was starting to worry about why he was so adamant about getting her back even though he never really seemed to care about her near the end of their relationship. Getting the messages was starting to get to her and she was glad that she would be going to change her number today.

On her lunch break she sat down in the back and took a big drink of water and texted Sam "I can't wait to change my number, he texted me again." Sam called her then "Hey are you okay?" She let out a nervous laugh "yeah it's just starting to get to me. I don't know why he keeps texting me after I've blocked him." Sam took a deep breath in "I don't know but I don't have a good feeling about it. You really should tell Charlie, he needs to know about this." She sighed "I know, I just don't want him to worry about me, he has enough to worry about right now he doesn't need another thing on his plate." "Christina, Charlie needs to know, he needs to be able to keep you safe, it's his job. If you don't want to tell him alone, I'll be there for you too." Christina noticed her break was coming to a close "yeah you're right." She sighed "I have to get back to work but I'll see you after?" "You will, how about I bring one of the guys with me and I just pick you up from work, they can drive your car to your house or mine." "Yeah, that sounds nice. Thank you, I appreciate it. I will see you later at 3:00." "See you soon. Bye Christina." "Bye Sam" she put her phone in her pocket and went back out for the rest of her shift.

At 3:00 Christina looked out the window and saw Sam and Paul leaning against Sam's truck. She grabbed her stuff and said goodbye to everyone and headed out the door. "Hey guys" she called as she headed towards them. "Hey Christina how was your day?" Paul asked as Sam wrapped his arms around her. "It was good, same stuff, different day. How was yours?" "Mine was good, if you've got your keys I'll take this baby back to Sam's and you can pick it up from there when you're back." "Sure, sounds good to me, thanks a lot." She handed her keys to Paul and turned back to Sam and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Hey, you okay?" She buried her face into his chest "I'm just glad to be able to get this taken care of." Sam tightened his arms around her and kissed the top of her head "it's gonna be okay, but we need to tell Charlie tonight." "Okay." Sam held her for a few more minutes and then let go of her "alright lets head out, okay?" Christina nodded and let go of Sam, starting to turn to the passenger side she was pulled back into a kiss by Sam before being able to get far. She smiled as she pulled away and looked up at him seeing a smirk on his face "I didn't want to wait to kiss you again and you looked like you needed it." "I did, thanks, I'm glad you didn't wait." She then climbed into the truck with Sam's help and once he got in they headed out to the phone store.

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