Chapter Twenty-Six

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Gasping for air Christina sat up suddenly out of a deep sleep. "Whoa, hey are you okay?" Sam asked sitting up and putting his arms around her he could feel her shake. She leaned back against his chest "yeah I'm okay, just a freaky dream that I'd rather not relive." He nodded and smoothed out the hair on her head "well if you want to talk about it just let me know." They both laid back down and settled down to go back to sleep.

Sam was about to fall back asleep when he heard the house phone start ringing. Getting up carefully so he didn't disturb Christina he went to answer it. "Hello?" "Hi Sam, this is Carlisle. I was hoping to be able to talk to you for a moment. I know it's late and I'm sorry but we just got back to Forks not too long ago." Sam went and sat down at the table "Sure, I assume Bella made it back with you all?" "She did, the whole family is back, I trust our treaty goes back into effect?" Sam ran his hand over his face "It is. Have you been informed of the red head coming into the area?" "Victoria? Yes, Bella explained it all to us earlier. Thank you for watching out for her while we were gone." "No problem. I was hoping to get to talk to you also, it seems there is another vampire coming into this area. But not for Bella, for Christina." As he finished saying this, Christina made her way over to table and went to sit down next to Sam before he pulled her onto his lap. Leaning her head on his shoulder she could feel Sam relax a little. "Why is one after Christina?" Sam took a deep breath in "well I guess it's an ex of hers that was turned. We aren't sure when he was turned but he got into the house earlier today and we are having a hard time tracking his scent." As he said this Christina burrowed closer to him and he tightened his arms around her. "Wow, okay I'll send Jasper and Emmett out to see if there's anything that they can catch, however if you are having trouble I doubt they'll find anything either." "Thank you Carlisle, I appreciate it." "No problem Sam. Well I won't keep you any longer, I'll let you know if they find anything." "Sounds good. Talk to you later." "Bye"

Sam exhaled loudly and pulled Christina closer in his arms as she put her arms around his neck. "How come you're awake?" She shrugged "couldn't sleep without you there." He chuckled and picked her up in his arms "alright, then lets go back to bed then." She leaned up and kissed his cheek "I'm really grateful I met you, you know that, right?" He stopped walking and looked down at the girl "I do know that. I am grateful I met you also. I love you." She smiled "I love you too." He carried her into the bedroom and over to the bed before putting her down. Turning the light off and climbing into bed he felt her roll over to his side and he put an arm around her as she laid her head on his chest before falling into a deep sleep.

The next morning Christina woke up in Sam's arms, surprised he was still asleep. Slowly getting out of bed she made her way to the bathroom to start getting ready for the day. After she got out of the shower she wrapped a towel around herself and walked into the bedroom and saw that Sam had finally gotten up. She went and got dressed, grabbing one of Sam's hoodies as it was a chilly morning. She walked out to the living room and saw Emily and Nick sitting on the couch and Embry and Jared sitting at the table. "Morning everyone" she said, walking into the kitchen to find some coffee. "Hey Christina, how are you doing?" Emily walked up to her and gave her a hug before turning the stove on. "I'm good, how are you?" Emily smiled "I'm good, thanks for asking. Scrambled eggs?" "Emily, you cook for everyone else, I can make my own food." Emily hushed her "I'll ask again, scrambled eggs okay?" Christina laughed "scrambled is perfect. Thank you." Emily nodded in response as Christina walked over to the table "Sam on patrol?" Nick looked over from the couch "yeah he wanted to get it over with." Christina just shook her head as she took a sip of her coffee "he needs to get some more rest." Nick just laughed "yeah? Good luck telling him that." Christina smiled "yeah I know, basically a lost cause when it comes to that." Nick stood up and took his coffee cup into the kitchen "it's not that it's because he's Alpha. It's because of Derek. He wants to make sure you're protected and he wants to get this guy so he can relax and enjoy life again."

Christina looked down at the table "I don't mean to be a burden." Emily quickly jumped in "that's not what Nick was meaning by that at all Christina. Honestly it's just something you need to talk to Sam about. It will all make sense." Christina nodded and smiled up at Emily when she came over with the eggs. "Thanks Em, I really appreciate you doing this." Emily put her hand on Christina's shoulder "you know I don't mind cooking, it gives me something to do." Emily walked back into the kitchen while Christina dug into the plate.

A few hours later Christina was reading in bed when Sam came home. He walked into the bedroom and climbed in next to her. She looked up from her book and smiled "hey babe, how are you?" He leaned down to give her a quick kiss "I'm good, you okay?" She nodded "yep, can we talk though?" He raised both eyebrows "sure, everything okay?" She laughed "yeah, Nick and I were talking earlier and I just want to clarify things. Nothing big, I promise." He nodded "sure, just let me shower real quick and then we can go on a walk." "okay, sounds good." With that Sam got up and made his way to the bathroom and Christina went back to her book.

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