Chapter Sixteen

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After dinner Sam and Christina were sitting on the swing outside the house. Watching all the guys run around playing with the football and hearing Emily in the kitchen warmed Christina's heart. She moved closer to Sam and felt his arm go around her shoulders and relaxed into his side. "Hey Sam, remember how I told you about my ex? Well I ended up blocking his number but lately I've been getting calls from other numbers that I don't recognize. I don't know if it's him but it's just weird that they don't leave messages."

Sam tightened his arm around her "you really should change your number, I can take you sometime this week if you want to. That way you don't have to worry about it any longer." Christina nodded and leaned her head on his chest. Sam sighed "as much as I'm enjoying this, you have to work tomorrow and it's starting to get late, I should get you home." Christina looked up at him and frowned "hey don't start, you are the one that said she needs her sleep."

Christina laughed and sat up "yeah I know, I just don't want to go back to everyday life." Sam smiled and stood up and took her hand "I get that, but we need to. What do you work tomorrow?" "I have to be there at 7:00 am but I'm out at 3:00" Sam nodded "okay how about I pick you up and we go to the phone store to change your number?" "I would but I told Charlie I'd go to dinner with him and Bella but how about we do it Tuesday? I open again." Sam squeezed her hand "yeah we can do that."

Reaching the truck Sam opened the door and helped Christina up into it before going to the drivers side and climbing in. After starting up the car he reached over and took Christina's hand "I'm really glad you know everything. I do have to tell you it isn't gonna be easy at times though, there's still a vampire out there that we just can't shake. But we will be keeping you all safe." Christina looked over at him "is there anything I can do?" He laughed "no just keep Bella from going too crazy again." She smiled "that I can do, or at least try to do." Sam pulled up in front of the house and put the truck in park. "Just promise me you'll stay away from the woods if you're alone, it's not safe." She looked over at him "I won't"

As she climbed out of the truck he came around and pulled her into a hug and she wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest. "I hate this part" she whispered. He held her tighter "me too, eventually it won't be like this though." She smiled and rubbed his back " I better get inside now. I had a great day though, thank you." He kissed her forehead "I'm glad you came out and met everyone." He walked her up to the door and gave her a kiss "I'll see you later" She slowly pulled away and opened the door "bye Sam have a goodnight." "Bye Christina, sleep well."

Going up to her room she thought back on the day she had, spending it with Sam and meeting everyone. She loved Emily instantly and couldn't wait to get to know her more. She got ready for bed and heard her phone ding with a message, looking at it she didn't recognize the number but knew who sent it. "I will get you back" Christina quickly blocked that number also and turned her phone off. She set her alarm for the morning and climbed into bed.

Before she knew it, it was morning and her alarm was screaming at her. Stretching she climbed out of bed and turned her phone on before making her way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. After getting dressed she grabbed her bag and made her way downstairs to the kitchen. Seeing Bella sitting at the table she greeted her and received a glare in return. Making her coffee she sat down opposite of Bella "how are you today?" Bella looked over at her "fine." Christina took a deep breath in and drank the rest of her coffee in silence.  After finishing it she walked to sink and heard Bella ask "why won't Jake talk to me? I thought maybe you'd know since you're basically dating Sam." Christina took a second to gather her thoughts "honestly that's not something I can answer. I'm not sure why he's not talking to you." She hated lying to her cousin but she knew she needed to. "Well I have to go to work, I'll see you tonight for dinner, right?" Bella just nodded as Christina grabbed her bag and headed out the door to begin her day.

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