Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Getting ready for bed later that night Christina couldn't help but think over the night she had with Sam. They both enjoyed a nice dinner out just the two of them. Before going to dinner though they walked around the town and looked at the various shops they had. After dinner they drove home and enjoyed a long walk along the beach and just talked. Now that they were home Sam was checking in with Nick and the other guys just to make sure nothing crazy happened while everyone was out. Christina climbed out of the tub she was soaking in and put her pajamas on. Running a brush through her hair she heard their bedroom door open and close. "Sam, is that you?" He walked into the bathroom behind her "it is" he kissed the top of her head and put his arms around her waist. She leaned back against him and smiled "everything okay?" "yeah, I just needed to hold you for a minute." She put her brush down and turned in his arms and wrapped her arms around him as well as putting her head on his chest. "I love you Sam." He sighed and held her tighter "I love you too."

Releasing her he walked up to the sink to brush his teeth while she made her way to the bed and climbed in. Once he finished he came back to the bedroom and got in on the opposite side. He pulled her into his arms and ran one of his hands up and down her back until she seemed to relax more. "Try and get some rest Sam, you need it." He took a breath in, "I know, I'll try. Night babe."  It wasn't too long until they both settled into a deep sleep.

An hour later they were both woken up by a loud howl close to the house. Sam jumped up out of bed as Christina sat up and turned the lamp next to her on. Sam opened the bedroom door just as Nick was opening his and Emily's. Emily was standing behind Nick and tried to get around him but he wasn't letting her "Nick, let me go sit with Christina." He moved aside so Emily could slip by "Sam, you want me to stay here with them and you go check on it?" Just as Sam was about to reply there was loud knocking on the front door. Sam went to open it and saw Paul and Jared standing on the front porch "we heard the howl and nobody is answering their phones." Having the guys come in Sam closed the door and looked to Paul "hey take Christina and Emily over to the Cullen's, the route I showed you the other day. They'll be safer there and we can all focus on getting him this time." Paul nodded and went down the hallway to bedroom.

Sam looked over at Nick "mind calling Carlisle and letting them know what's going on?" Nick nodded and went to the phone in the kitchen. "Jared I want you with me and we are gonna go get everyone else." Nick walked back in the room "Nick I want you to go with Paul and the girls but you both come back as soon as they're safe." "Not a problem, Carlisle knows they're coming and has Emmett and Rosalie waiting at the border for us." Sam nodded and began to head back toward the bedroom when Paul, Christina, and Emily came out. "Babe, I want you and Em to go with Paul and Nick, you guys are gonna stay with the Cullen's while we try to tackle this issue, okay?" She nodded as Emily and Paul continued toward the living room. "Please be careful." He smiled and leaned down to kiss her "I'll be fine, we all will be fine. I'll see you soon, alright?" She nodded and went to join the rest of them in the living room with Sam following behind. "Alright let's go so we can finish this finally." With those words they all headed out.

Once Christina and Emily got situated on the backs of Paul and Nick, they took off while Sam and Jared went the opposite way. As they got closer to the border Christina could see two people standing off in the distance, noticing that neither Nick nor Paul were reacting negatively, she assumed they were the Cullen's. They came to a stop and Rosalie helped Emily down while Emmett was helping Christina. Nick nudged Emily as if to say goodbye and Paul lowered his head down and then turned running off with Nick following behind. As they all heard howls from further away Emmett and Rosalie ushered the girls into the car and drove them back to their house.

As Emmett pulled the jeep into the driveway Emily smiled over at Christina "it's going to be okay, you know that, right?" Christina nodded "yeah what about my uncle and Bella? Is someone there for them?" Rosalie spoke up from the front seat "yeah Edward is over there right now." Christina looked down at her hands 'thanks" she said quietly. Rosalie smiled at her "everything will be okay, you'll be back with your Sam before you know it." Christina wiped her eyes "thanks Rosalie." They all got out of the jeep and made their way up to the house. "Smells like Esme has been cooking" Emmett said. Christina jumped slightly when the door opened suddenly revealing a blonde gentleman standing there "hey girls, come on in. Emily, it's good to see you again." Emily smiled softly "good to see you also Carlisle. This is Christina, Christina, this is Carlisle." "Thanks for letting us be here Carlisle, it's nice to meet you, you have a wonderful house." He smiled at her "thank you, it's all thanks to Esme, which if you are hungry made some chicken soup." Emily and Christina smiled at each other and made their way into the kitchen to see Esme standing at the stove stirring something in a large pot.

"Hi girls go ahead and have a seat if you want, I'll bring it over to you. Would you like anything to drink?" Both of the girls sat down across from each other "I'll have water, thanks" Emily responded "yeah water is fine for me also, do you want me to get it?" Esme smiled over at her "I've got it sweetie don't worry." Christina was twisting her hands in her lap when Esme brought over the soup for them and went back to get a couple of glasses of water. "Here you go girls, go ahead and enjoy, when you're done just come on in the living room and we can show you where you can stay tonight." "Thanks Esme." Esme nodded and left the room, leaving both girls to try and relax and enjoy some comfort food.

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