Chapter Fourteen

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Christina woke up with a smile on her face as she looked forward to the day ahead and getting to spend it with Sam. She got up and stretched and unplugged her phone from the wall. Looking at it she saw a message that made her frown.

"I'm not giving up on you."

She quickly blocked the number and deleted all the messages, hoping he would give up. Then she sent a message to Sam "hey, are we still good for today?" While she waited for a response she went to shower and get ready for the day. After getting dressed she grabbed her phone and didn't see a response from Sam so she went downstairs to get breakfast. Her uncle was sitting there reading the paper and Bella had already left for the day.

"Hey kiddo, there's some coffee in there for you if you want."
"Thanks, slow morning?"
He chuckled as he put the newspaper down "not really, I just wanted to have a longer morning before going in and dealing with the mess."
"Mess? What's going on, its a small town there can't be that much going on."
"You'd be surprised" he chuckled "just be careful and don't wander out into the woods, it's not very safe right now."
She nodded as she sipped on her coffee and heard her phone go off, glancing it she smiled as she saw Sam had texted her.
"I'm still on for today if you are." She sent a message back saying "sure am, see you soon"

Charlie stood up and made his way to the front door "see you later kiddo"
"Bye Uncle Charlie, be safe." He waved as he closed the door. Christina got up and locked the door behind him and then went to make a couple eggs for breakfast. After getting her food on the plate she sat down at the table and dug in while looking at the newspaper. After she ate she gathered the dishes and washed them quickly and ran upstairs to finish getting ready for the day. As she was spraying her perfume on she heard a knock at the door, glancing out the window she saw Sam's truck in the driveway. She grabbed her purse and shoes and ran downstairs to open the door. She opened it up and smiled at Sam as he looked down at her with a smile on his face.
"Hi, come on in"
"Thanks" he stepped in and closed the door and reached down to pull her in his arms "how are you this morning?" She smiled and wrapped her arms around him "I'm good, how are you?"
"I'm good" he kissed the top of her head and released her "you about ready to go?"
She nodded and slipped her shoes on "all ready"
While Christina closed and locked the door, Sam made his way to the truck to get the truck started. As she walked over to it he came to her side and opened the door for her and helped her up in the truck like usual.
"No problem" he closed her door and jogged over to his side and climbed in.
As he started down the road he grabbed her hand "so I do need to let you know that Jacob phased yesterday."
She looked at him with wide eyes "wow, is he okay?"
"Yeah he's fine, but in case he's over and I get overprotective just know that its because of him just shifting. When we first phase it can be scary and our emotions are all over the place and the smallest things can set us off. If I tell you to go somewhere, I'm going to need you to listen, okay?"
She squeezed his hand "okay I can do that. You never did tell me what we are gonna do though."
He glanced over at her "I thought you would like to meet everyone else and hang out at the house today."
She looked over and smiled at him "Yeah, that sounds like fun."
"Good. I do want to tell you about Emily though, she is my brothers imprint and she does have some scaring from one of those 'anything can set us off' moments."
"What do you mean? What happened to her?"
He sighed "well one time he and my brother Nick was upset about a conversation they were having and she was just a little too close when he phased."
"She's okay now though, right?"
"Yeah, aside from some scaring and him now being way protective of her everything's okay."
"Good, I'm glad everything's alright."
Sam pulled up in front of a small red home that had several plants outside of it and a cute swing on the front covered porch. He turned the truck off "well, this is home."
Christina unbuckled her seatbelt and opened her door as Sam made his way over to her side. She slid partway out and Sam grabbed her waist and helped her out the rest of the way. Before letting her go he leaned down and gave her a quick kiss and as he pulled back she put her hand around his neck and pulled him down for  another kiss. Smiling against her lips he pulled away slowly "ready to meet everyone?" She smiled and nodded her head. Sam took her hand and led her into the house.

Closing the door behind them Christina turned around to see a young woman close to her age with scars running down one side of her face she smiled at her in greeting. "Emily, this is Christina, Christina, this is Emily." As Sam introduced them he put his arm around Christinas shoulders and pulled her closer to him.
"Hi Emily, it's nice to meet you."
"Thanks, its nice to meet you too. Are you hungry at all? I've got muffins and cookies if so."
"I'm okay for now, thanks though, they smell amazing."
"Well I always have plenty on hand and you are more than welcome to take some home too, I have to make a ton for these guys or they will starve." She rolled her eyes a bit at the last statement.
Christina laughed and Sam said "hey it's not our fault we have to eat a lot to stay full."
"No, but it wouldn't kill you to learn how to pour a bowl of cereal every now and then." Emily joked but Christina could tell she really didn't mind making all the food for the guys.

As Sam and Christina got settled at the table with Emily walking over they heard a few voices approach. Sam pulled Christina's chair closer to him and she said "if I'm any closer, I'd be on your lap." He smiled down at her and whispered in her ear "don't tempt me" Christina blushed and Sam laughed and kissed her forehead as she leaned back against Sam.

Suddenly the door opened and 3 guys walked in pushing each other around in a friendly way. Sam cleared his throat and they all stopped and looked over and saw Christina sitting there.
"Embry, Paul, Jared, this is Christina." As each boy was introduced they gave a smile and a little wave. Christina twisted her hands in her lap "hey guys, nice to meet you" Sam took one of her hands in his and pulled her tighter against him and she relaxed a bit.
"Hey guys, I have some food coming out in just a bit" Emily called from the kitchen "go ahead and have a seat."
"Jacob with Nick?" Sam asked.
Paul nodded, "yeah he wanted Jacob to have some time to just run without distractions from us." Sam thoughtfully nodded "good idea."
"So  Christina, is Bella as crazy as we think she is?" Sam took a deep breath in as Jared asked the question. Christina glanced up to see him slightly glaring at Jared "what, I'm just wondering. I mean the girl used to hang with vamps." Christina shuddered a bit at that reminder and Sam squeezed her hand "how about we not have this conversation right now."

After he said that there was more noise at the door and Christina looked up in time to see Jacob and another guy walk in. When Jacob saw Christina at the table he glared and said "what's she doing here?" Sam's tensed beside Christina and the other guy smacked him on the back of his head "that's Sam's imprint you idiot." "I know who she is, still doesn't answer why she's here." Christina hung her head and Sam stood up. "Just because you can't hang out with Bella right now doesn't give you the right to talk to her cousin like that. Go cool off if you're not gonna be civil." "Fine." Jacob spit out as he stormed out of the house slamming the door. Emily sighed in the kitchen and the other guy made his way over to her and put his arms around her "sorry I'll talk to him later about the door." She waved him off as she relaxed a bit more into his arms.

Sam spoke up then "Christina, that is my brother Nick." Nick turned away from Emily and made his way over to Christina and put his hand out "nice to finally meet you, Sam hasn't stopped talking about you since he met you." Christina blushed and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you too." Sam wrapped his arms around her from behind and asked "want to take a walk?" "Sure, that sounds nice."

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