Chapter Seventeen

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After work Christina climbed into her car and made her way home, while driving she heard her phone ring. Seeing it was her uncle she answered "hey Uncle Charlie, what's up?" "Hey kiddo just a heads up I want you to be careful and not go out into the woods at all. We are starting to track some wolves that Bella spotted out there today." Christina began to panic "she saw some wolves?" "Yeah I guess she saw them go after something and she came home and told me. I've got some guys that are gonna make a hunting team." Christina took a deep breath in "okay I won't go out there. I'm almost home too." "Okay thanks Chris, I'll talk to you later, okay?" "Okay be careful Uncle Charlie." "You know I will be. Love you kiddo" "love you too."

As Christina continued home she called Sam's number but it went to voicemail. "Hey Sam it's Christina, hey Uncle Charlie called me a minute ago, apparently Bella saw you guys and now they are gonna start going after you guys. Please be safe. Call me when you guys are safe please. Okay, well bye."

Christina pulled up to the house and got out grabbing her bag she looked around the yard, almost expecting to see one of the wolves staring at her. When she saw nothing she made her way inside "Bella, are you home still?" She heard her call from upstairs "yeah I'm up here." Christina walked upstairs and knocked on Bella's door "hey Uncle Charlie told me what happened, are you okay?" Bella nodded staring out the window. "Okay, well I just wanted to come and check on you. Let me know if you need anything." "You could tell Jacob to talk to me again." "I can't do that, you know I can't" Bella shook her head "you could, he would listen to you." Christina sighed "I can't force someone to talk to another person Bella. Now I'm going to go up to my room and get changed in case Charlie makes it back for dinner."

She went upstairs and put her bag, she then changed out of her work outfit and took a quick shower. After her shower she heard her phone ringing and ran to it seeing Sam's name on the caller i.d. "Sam?" "Hey Christina, everything is okay now. Harry called us and gave us a heads up." "I'm glad you all are okay, I freaked a little when he told me what was going on. She really saw you all?" "Yeah, we smelt the vampire which led us to her and we had to take care of him." "I'm glad everyone's okay. Are they still gonna be looking for you all?" "Probably, although I wish we could just call it off, it's going to be a lot harder catching this other one." Christina heard him sigh "well I have to go for now Christina, I'm sorry." "It's okay, I just heard Uncle Charlie pull in so I should go see him for a bit. Are we still on for tomorrow or should we hold off?" "No we should get this taken care of. Want me to pick you up when you get out? Or just meet at your place?" "Can we meet at my place, that way I can change real fast." "Sure, I'll see you tomorrow, bye Christina." "Bye Sam."

Christina headed downstairs after putting her phone away. She heard her uncle and cousin talking in the living room and went there. "Hey guys" Bella waved and Charlie smiled over at her. "Are you girls ready to head out for dinner?" "Yeah I'm ready." Bella just nodded and stood up. They all headed out the door and made their way to Charlies car.

Once they made it to the restaurant they all went in and sat down. The waitress came over and got their drink order while they all tried to decide on what to eat. "The grilled chicken sandwich sounds good to me, what about you Uncle Charlie?" He grunted "yeah I won't be getting chicken here, I have to get my steak." Bella snorted "you don't need steak every time you go out dad." Christina laughed and Charlie responded "I know, but I want it so I'm getting it." The rest of the evening continued on with them all enjoying each other's company and the good food.

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