day 1

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It was the beginning of the baseball game that Marcus was finally playing in. I was sitting next to Regan watching the game. They weren't looking to hot. I sigh. "I'm so excited that Marcus is finally playing." I signed to Reagan. "I know" she signs back. Then her dad Lee walks up with a bag of oranges. "Your hands are disgusting." She signs to her dad. Then she looks at me. "disgusting" I sign and I say so Lee could hear me. He shakes his head and laughs. Reagan then proceeds to cut the oranges.

Beau goes up to Marcus and gives him gum. Marcus looks at me scared to play. I sign "just breathe" he smiles and nods. My dad emmet yelled at Henry to dive. He then ask Reagan what dive is in sign and she shows him. Marcus gets ready at base. The pitcher throws the ball. Marcus misses. Again. And again. I can feel it this time he is going to hit the ball.

I begin to hear my dad's radio start to static. Marcus gets ready but then There's this big rocket? Explosion? Things are flying down. "y/n, lets go." My dad Emmet grabs my brother and his music box. I wave bye to reagan. She waves bye back. My dad grabs my hand and starts to jog to the car. "Dad what is that thing?'' "i don't know y/n let's just get home to your mother." Then I see the thing land and explode.

Everyone starts to scream and run. "Dad?" people started running in between us. Before I knew it i losted him. I couldn't find him. "Dad!" I yell. A big thing with long arms and no eyes chops this girl in half. I put my hand up to my mouth. I get picked up by someone and it's Lee. he sets me down and says. "Listen to me, your dad is right over there go run to him and fast ok?" I nod too afraid to speak. I can hardly breathe I'm so scared.

I started to feel like I was going to have a panic attack. He notices. "y/n you gotta breathe ok calm down." Pressing his hand to my chest to calm me down. "ok im okay'' my breathing goes back to normal. I run to my dad and we got in the car. He starts to drive off.  I try to look and see where Lee and Regan went but I can't see them anymore and his car is just sitting there. I feel the car stop. "What's happening?" "We're out of gas,'' he says. "No no no no." "y/n you have to calm down, we're going to be ok."  One of those things jumps right on our car. I scream. We get out and start to run fast. (obviously ok ima just skip like all of the stuff in between cause we don't know what emmet did cause we were concentrating on the abbotts and i'm too lazy to make up a whole story for emmet lol)

 (obviously ok ima just skip like all of the stuff in between cause we don't know what emmet did cause we were concentrating on the abbotts and i'm too lazy to make up a whole story for emmet lol)

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I thought that was funny 🧍‍♀️

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