the end

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Idk why I put that up there I just love the clicking little sound they make anyways
Y'all I'm crying this is the last chapter but...

     Marcus rushes back to us with him still limping and Jumps in and puts his hands on the side of my face and asks if I'm ok.(OBVIOUSLY IM NOT BITCH MY LEG JUST- nvm) I shake my head no. "hey, hey look at me it's going to ok I know it hurts."  He just stares at me. How can he just stare at me while my leg is practically cut open and he just makes the pain just go away. (BAHAHHA what did i just write wth🚶‍♀️)Some weird reason not another monster came to kill us. 😐I layed on the table while Evelyn wrapped up my leg and Marcus's foot. I just wanted my dad. I didn't even know if he was still alive. I dont even wanna know. I'm was just so scared. I doze off for a while and realize Marcus was looking at me. I raise my eyebrows ''what?" I whisper to him. "You're just beautiful." he smiles. I roll my eyes and blush. "Thanks." He sat right by me. "I'm really sorry that happened to your leg." "It's fine, it feels a bit better I guess." "good" "how your foot." "better." He just keeps looking at me. "Stop looking at me like that." "Like what?" he questions. "Like that-'' I'm cut off by his lips on mine. I was a little confused. Then I kissed back. It was only for a short time before we split. We both smile.  "Sorry." He mumbles. "Don't be." I smile and russel? his hair. 🤨🚶‍♀️😵‍💫The End

     sadly ok yall do you guys like want me to continue the story and like write quiet place 3 how i want to  or just leave it like that. Let me know. THANK YOU FOR 500 reads ILY 😘

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