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Ok so this is like a little blooper reel cause I saw someone do it one time with their book and I thought is was cute.

Cillian turns to me and whispers. "Go downstairs and get in the furnace ok don't shut it wait for us ok.'' "Ok, I'm gone." I start to run and of course I totally just full body fall on the floor. "Omg y/n you ok?" Noah yells. "Yep yep I'm fine sorry tripped over my own feet ofc." I get up embarrassed and Everyone laughs.


It was at the part where my character and Noah's character kiss. After I said my line I was expecting him to kiss me but we were just face to face and we burst out laughing. "Sorry" Noah says blushing. "It's ok let's start from the top." John says.


I was acting a part with Cillian where my character begs him not to leave and look for Reagan. " please don't leave cillian-" I realized I said his real name instead of dad and everyone just starts laughing at. I purse my lips together like this😐 "ok sorry y/n. Start again." John tells me. I roll my eyes and start again.


"You're just beautiful ." Marcus/Noah says. There's just a moment of silence. "That's when you say your line y/n!" Noah tells me. "No your supposed to say-nvm." "See I was right." I roll my eyes. "Yeah yeah whatever."


"Stop looking at me like that" I said my line. "Like what." Noah says in his full on British accent. "Like what?" I mimic in a British accent making fun of him. He rolls his eyes. I look at the camera and make a movie clipper motion and say "cut" we all laugh. 🧍‍♀️


I could feel the camera zooming in on my face while I was "reading" a book. I look at it quickly and and my a funny face. "Close up?" I ask in a funny voice. John chuckles.


They were filming behind the scenes like always and me and Noah were practicing our secret hand shake. Idk


I was shooting a scene with Millie and she forgot her line/motion to do and puffed out her cheeks. I copy her and we both chuckle.


It was the baseball scene and i turned to turn the radio volume down and it glitches when it wasn't supposed to and my hand went straight to my mouth. " I think I Broke it." The whole crew and cast laugh and I realize they were just pranking.


Me and Noah just look at the camera and start to break out dancing.🕵️


We were filming the part where me and Cillian were basically spying on the Abbott's outside. Then of course I have to sneeze. "Bless you." Cillian laughs. " so sorry I was trying not to sneeze." The crew laughs.   


John begged me to scare Emily. I was waiting for her to walk around the corner and she finally did and. "BOO!!" I yelled. She got so scared. " I'm so sorry John made me." John looks at me with his lips together 😐. Me and Emily just laugh at him.


Ok y'all I'm going to write more of this book but I'm on a bit of writers block so I would love if you could give me some ideas. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2021 ⏰

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