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I was reading my book down in the basement part. The little prince. It was my little brothers favorite book.

Me and my dad heard all the bottles cackle together. Dad gets up and grabs his shotgun. I get up too. He turns to me and whispers. "You stay here." "no i'm coming with you im not staying here." He gives that look "fine" he gives up.

We put our bandana mask up and jog to go see if it's a monster or something. It was the... Abbotts? They were running and fast. Marcus started to run in front of Regan and Evelyn but no Lee or beau. He steps one of the bear trap and screams really loud. Evelyn covers his mouth to try and stop him from screaming. Then one of the monsters starts to run towards them. Evelyn stands up and Regan takes her hearing aid off and puts it up to a speaker and the monster stops and its head starts to pull apart. Evelyn then pulls out a shotgun and shots it in the head.

Dad turns to me and whispers. "Go downstairs and get in the furnace don't shut it wait for us ok.'' "Ok, I'm gone." I run and jump down and land on the flower bags and get in the furnace and wait for them. I see dad holding Marcus over his shoulder. Then he sets him in the furnace with me. He was in a lot of pain and breathing really hard. I felt so bad. I then held his hand for some comfort. He held my hand tightly and it started to hurt but I didn't care.

My dad comes back again and evelyn and regan jump in. My dad closes the furnace so the other monster is locked out. (Oh my gosh sry I'm saying dad a lot) It was pitch black for a second and he switched on his lighter. They were all breathing really hard. My dad finally says "you can't  Stay" He takes a breathe and then continues. "don't know why you came all the way up here, but you can't stay" "Up?" Evelyn questions. "There's not enough food... water there's not enough anything" "how did you know we traveled up?" Evelyn ask. He ignores her"there's nothing I can do. You won't survive" she leaned forward a little bit and said "Show me you face." "I can't help you. Please, I can't help you." It's like they realized who he was they recognized his voice. "Emmet." Evelyn sighed.

My dad slowly brought his head up to look at the women better. Evelyn lifts up the wooden box that she had and showed a little fussy baby. He pulls down his mask just a little bit. Then the watch starts to beep. My dad opens the door just a little bit to let more oxygen in and leans his head back.

I hope you like sry that the writings not that amazing. Anyways I have had this idea for a while and I wrote a bit of it and it's called The Academy.It's a slow burn between to best friends (Noah jupe) and y/n (you) obviously but I'm going to post it soon hehe.

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