Beyond the sea

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btw it's not exactly like the movie cause I forgot some of it lol

      My dad grabs the vodka off of the table  and hands it to Evelyn for Marcus's foot

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      My dad grabs the vodka off of the table  and hands it to Evelyn for Marcus's foot. He closes the furnace and sets the watch to 1 minute. I stand there carving my wood stick into a dog with my pocket knife. Regan is looking at the pictures that my dad drew off my little brother. God, I miss him. He was gone on day 1. My dad took the picture that she was looking at and folded it up and put it in his pocket. Then the watch goes off and he opens the furnace door. (time skip again) Marcus was laying on the table trying to sleep. Regan was next to him and Evelyn sat in a chair next to my dad. " um uh how is he?" he whispered to her. She looked around in fear. "It's ok there's 3 feet of concrete, they can't hear us unless they are right above us." he reassures her. "He uh he's ok but that wrap won't last," she puts her hand over her mouth. I look over to Marcus and Reagan and Reagan gently places head phones that are connected to the radio on Marcus to calm him. My dad and Evelyn talk more. Marcus started to raise his head from where he was laying looking surprised. Evelyn gets up. "What, what is it?" She asked. "Mu-mus-music" he breathes. She takes the headphones off his head and puts them on hers. "Its beyond-" "beyond the sea yes we know" he interrupts. "It's been playing over and over non stop."I say and sign. Regan signs: "You're lying dad would have heard this he would have heard the song." My dad looks confused. "Wha-what is she saying?" Evelyn answers "she's saying that lee would have heard the song." "it's the valley we didn't hear the song till we got up here" I whispered and signed. "Maybe there's-there's other people." Marcus says hopefully. My dad stands up "no no there is no other people." he gets mad at me when i say that too. "You're nothing like him." Regan signs mad. I know she was just hurt. My dad looks confused. He picks up his stuff and walks off. Before he turns back around and says. "I want you gone in the morning. Come on y/n.'' I hesitate before I walk off but turn to them and smile and wave. Marcus waves back and Evelyn smiles. I climbed up the ladder after my dad.

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