see you soon...

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I wake up the next day and me and my dad go down to where the abbotts are. Right when we get down there evelyn comes running up to us and gives my dad a note. It read. 'Keep listening' "You have to find her please emmet you have to." she whispers crying.

I shouldn't have let her go but she is strong and she can handle herself. (yeahh...) "if lee was here he would look you straight in the eyes and tell you that she is the kind of person worth saving" she says. My dad looks at her sympathetically. "Ok" he says. Evelyn breathes out. "Thank you, thank you so much." she cries. My dad gets ready to leave. "I'm going with you" I whisper angrily. "No you are not, you are staying here with them no buts ok." "but-" "no" "no dad you can't go i- i can't lose you i already lost mom and Jacob. (They didn't name him so I just put Jacob idk)

"I cant i cant lose you ill have nothing left please ple-" i cry "y/n i will be fine you are not going to lose me ok'' "ok'' I nod holding in a cry. "You'll be ok too you take care of the abbotts i'll be back soon i love you." "i love you more" "i love you most... i win.'' he says. I chuckle and shake my head. "Bye'' I just wave bye. A little time later. I sit looking at Evelyn holding her baby and Marcus asleep. I decided to start reading my book again. I guess I got so into the book I didn't see evelyn leave. 🧍‍♀️I was getting really tired.

Then Marcus woke up and looked around confused. "Where's my mom?" he whispers to me. "I don't know i- she was right there." I sigh. He stands up and limps over to the ladder. "What are you doing?" he didn't answer so i don't think he heard me. 🙄🤚little bitch

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