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"Callie needs to operate again. Your infection is spreading"

Meredith's eyes started to tear up and she quickly wrote something on the white board 'What do you mean?'

"Mer, it might be osteomyelitis. Callie is running that test now and she's booking an OR to clean out your wound again. If it's osteomyelitis she might have to take the infected bone tissue out which would lead to a longer recovery" Derek told her as he cupped her face gently in his hands

Meredith violently shook her head

"Callie will do everything she can, we both know that" Derek told her and she nodded

"Mer.. I really don't wanna make this decision by myself and I don't want anything to ruin our marriage so if it's between your life and your leg.." Derek started carefully "What call do I have to make" He said, tears streaming down his face as he thought about this possible outcome

Meredith looked into Derek's eyes. This was probably one of the hardest decisions she ever had to make. The fact that her jaw was still wired shut made this situation even harder. There was no way for her to express her feelings through a white board

'I need to stay for you and the kids' She wrote down, still staring at the board

"I can make the call to save you?" Derek said, a bit shocked. He hadn't expected this.

Meredith nodded and looked away from Derek but he wrapped her carefully in his arms, trying not to hurt her arm

"Mer, she'll do everything she can! She's the best orthopedic surgeon" Derek kissed his wife who was now sobbing in his arms

They didn't let go of eachother until Miranda walked in, first signalating her arrival with a soft and gentle knock on the door

"Hey, Meredith, Derek" She smiled sadly

Meredith nodded

"Hi Bailey" Derek said soft

"I'm here to place your central line, is that okay?"

Meredith nodded again and Bailey started the procedure. She gave some local anesthesia and grabbed an ultrasound machine to start.

"Does this feel okay?" Miranda asked her and laid her gloved hand on Meredith's arm. She flinched a bit but nodded and gave Miranda a soft smile

"If it starts to feel uncomfortable, just let me know, okay?" She smiled sad at Meredith

Meredith reached out her hand as a sign to thank Bailey. Bailey immediately grabbed her hand back and squeezed it a bit "Take care, Grey. I'll be back soon" Miranda said and left the room, leaving Meredith and Derek once again with their thoughts.

"Mer, you know I love you, right?" Derek faced his wife, showing his most vulnerable side

"I -ove you" She tried to say

Derek smiled at her. He knew it was painful if she tried to speak and she avoided it at all times for the best change on recovery but he needed this. He needed his wife to tell him that she knew how much he loves her

'Stay with kids while I'm in the OR' She wrote down and grabbed his hand

"I.. I will" He nodded "Oh Mer" He broke down and took her in his arms, squeezing her a bit against his chest. He knew this calmed her down.


"Meredith?" Callie asked as she came in

"I'll wake her" Derek said with a sad expression and gently woke her.

She was still resting against his chest. It looked uncomfortable but she found all the comfort she needs in Derek's arms

"Mer, wake up" He said as he kissed her head "Callie is here. Bailey will be here soon too" He said as she started to wake up

"Hey, Meredith" Callie said as Meredith turned her head a bit

Meredith nodded

"It's time to prep you" Callie smiled and started prepping Meredith for surgery

"Can I come?" Derek asked

"But once the surgery starts you're out." Bailey said

Derek nodded "Meredith told me I had to stay with the kids" He laughed a bit

Meredith nodded and squeezed his hand again.

Once Meredith was prepped and all the IV's were inserted, Derek grabbed his hand as Callie and Bailey pushed Meredith's bed to the OR

"They wanted to honor you but we decided you weren't ready yet, so instead we made sure we wouldn't cross anyone while we're making our way towards the OR" Bailey spoke up as she noticed Meredith's flinching when crossing every hallway before entering the elevator

Meredith nodded

"Thanks" Derek whispered, trying to fight the tears that were eager to come out

Meredith brought his hand closer to her face and kissed it before holding it close to her face.

When they arrived at the OR, Derek helped Meredith change to the operation table and adjusted her gown before he kissed her forehead. With her free hand she cupped his chin in her hand and led her lips towards him before he helped her lay down.

"I'll see you once you're awake again" He smiled and she nodded

"Okay, Grey. We're gonna start now" Bailey said and nodded to the anesthetist to start the procedure.


"Hey kids" Derek said as he walked into his office where Alex was waiting with the kids

"Daddy!" They all ran towards him

"Let's go to the waiting room." He said and grabbed their hands

"Daddy, are we going to see mommy?" Ellis asked

"No, baby. Mommy's back in surgery so we're gonna wait till she's ready and we can go see her" Derek smiled at them

"Will mom still have the transformer thing?" Bailey looked at Derek with big eyes

"Yes, Bails" He had to laugh with the enthusiasm of his son about the external fixator.

"How long do we have to wait?" Zola asked

"A few hours. But if you're bored we can go outside

"No, we'll stay here for mommy" Zola immediately replied

The other two kids nodded their heads and sat down on the couches. Ellis laid her head on Derek's lap and started to fall asleep as Bailey was playing with a few toys and Derek and Zola were chatting away. The time passed quickly as they saw Callie walking towards them

"Derek" Callie sighed

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