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"You can't catch me!" Ellis yelled as she ran through the garden

"Oh yes I can!" Meredith giggled and ran after her youngest daughter, finally able to lift her up "You little monster" Meredith giggled

"Noo!" Ellis giggled

"Dinner!" Derek yelled from their dock

"Coming" Meredith yelled back "let's go, Ellie" Meredith smiled and took Ellis' hand to walk inside

"Here you guys are" Derek smiled and put the plates on the table with some help from Zola

"Mommy and I played catch!" Ellis told Derek

"Oh did you?" He smirked "I wanna play catch too"

"Can we play after dinner?" Bailey asked

"Of course bud" Meredith smiled

"Shouldn't you wear your running leg?" Derek asked

"I should but for these 5 minutes I didn't bother" Meredith smiled

"So, let's play catch after dinner but for now let's eat before the food gets cold" Derek said and they enjoyed their meal

After dinner, they did as promised. The family played the whole evening until the kids were tired out and they placed them in bed

"Der, did you get any news from our lawyer?" Meredith asked as they collapsed onto the couch and cuddled into each other

"No.. still nothing" He sighed

"I want them to catch that bastard" Meredith whispered

"Me too, Mer. Me too.." Derek sighed and pulled her closer into her arms once she put off her leg

Derek started to massage her stump "No pain?"

"Barely.. just a bit sore but it's normal. I'm so happy the kids enjoyed

"I understand" Derek smiled "They loved it"

"In the end it doesn't bother me anymore. I'm happy I'm still alive" Meredith said as she kissed Derek's lips

"I couldn't imagine what if would have been if we would have lost you" Derek whispered

"It didn't happen. I'm still here" she assured him and kissed his lips

"I love you" Derek squeezed her tight

"I love you too" Meredith kissed him

"Let's go upstairs" Derek said with a smirk

Derek scooped Meredith up in his arms and carried her upstairs to their bedroom and placed her down

"Now let's have some fun" Meredith giggled and started kissing every inch of Derek's body


After their exhausting night, Derek and Meredith woke up when Ellis entered their bedroom and cuddled between her parents, followed by Zola and Bailey a bit later

"Mommy and I need to go in later today" Derek told the kids

"Can we go to daycare? Sofia will be there too" Zola asked

"Of course" Meredith smiled "Now let's get ready for the day" Meredith said and pulled on her leg and got out of the bed, carrying Ellis on her hip

"Mommy, I want pancakes!" Bailey said

"Ask daddy, he'll make some for you!" Meredith laughed

"Daddy, daddy! Will you make pancakes pleeeeeeaaaase?" Bailey yelled as he ran off

Meredith chuckled and carried the little girl downstairs

"Mer, do you want pancakes?" Derek asked

"Yes please" She replied

Derek put a plate in front of Meredith and couldn't resist to kiss her lips again until his phone rang

"Derek Shepherd" Derek picked up the phone "Oh-"

AN // Sorry for the short chapter!!

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