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"Wow, Mer! You're doing great!" Derek was amazed by his wife's strength

"I- I'm standing by myself" She smiled as she let go of the bars

"You're doing really good" Lucy commented "Take a seat if you feel like it"

After a few more seconds, Meredith leaned back in the chair, sighing for exhaustion

"You did perfect" Derek walked towards her and kissed her lips

"Thanks" She sighed as she dropped her head on Derek's chest

"Let's wrap up this session so we can go home" Derek kissed Meredith's forehead

Meredith nodded and continued doing what Lucy asked her until she was finished

"Wanna walk out of the hospital or take the chair?" Derek asked her as he was putting her stuff in her bag

"I wanna try walking" She smiled

"I'll page Alex and ask him if he can help us with your stuff, okay?

Meredith nodded again and adjusted her prosthetic

When Alex entered the room, he grabbed Meredith's chair and bag and walked behind them as Derek helped Meredith to the car

When she sat down in the car, she was exhausted. Totally ready to fall asleep

"Mer, I'm amazed! You did so good" Alex patted her shoulder

"Thanks" Meredith smiled as he leaned against the headrest

"Let's go home" Derek chuckled

They continued their drive home and when Derek parked the car, the kids came running outside

"Hey guys!" Derek smiled as he got out of the car "Have you been good?" He asked as he saw Arizona coming outside with Sofia

"Hey guys" Arizona smiled

"Hey" Both Meredith and Derek said. Derek helped Meredith out of the car and let her walk inside of the house while he supported her

"So cool!" Bailey yelled

Her two daughters were watching her with big eyes as a smile formed on their lips

"Look at mommy" Derek smiled as he helped her towards the couch

"That was so cool!" Bailey commented as they hugged Meredith

After the kids talked to Meredith and went back to the playroom, Arizona took a seat next to Meredith

"You're doing really great!" Arizona patted Meredith's thigh

"Thanks" She breathed

"Meredith, you're doing wonderful, I wasn't as strong as you are now. I pushed Callie away while you're letting Derek in, the kids, your friends. I'm so proud of you as I know how hard all of this really is" Arizona told her

"Thanks.. it's been hard. Thanks again for talking to Zola. I felt her slipping but you catched her"

"Mer, we're all here for you and your family. Now, Sofia and I should go. Callie's probably waiting"

"Thanks" Meredith smiled and rested her head against the pillow before her snoring filled the room

Derek and the kids started making dinner while chatting away


A couple of weeks have passed and even though phantom pain and just the usual sore stump have been a real issue, everything has been going very well for the McFamily

"First day back" Meredith smiled with wide eyes

"You'll do great! I'm sure of it and if you need a break, just take one" Derek whispered

"We're ready!" Bailey ran in, followed by his siblings

"Let's go to the car" Meredith smiled and they all got in the car and dropped the kids off at school

"I was thinking.. Alex takes the kids tonight, so we have the house for ourselves" Meredith whispered

"Oh" Derek smirked

"I mean only if you want. A lot has happened, I don't wanna pressure you or-"

"Mer, stop rambling. I love you so much and I can't wait for tonight" Derek pulled her close after he parked the car

The day went by slowly. A few emergencies and a surgery both Derek and Meredith scrubbed in for. They kept teasing each other the whole day and it didn't go unnoticed by their colleagues

"Shepherd, close your mouth" Bailey smirked

"I- oh" He laughed a bit embarrassed as he got caught

"She doing okay?" Bailey asked as she came closer

"She wants someone with her at all times when she has a male patient and she avoids going out by herself but she's doing great. I'm so proud of her" Derek said as his eyes kept following his wife who just entered the elevator

"Looks as if she's getting around by herself pretty easy" Miranda commented

"She's a natural. She makes it seem so easy.. She sometimes has bad phantom pain but it's usually in the evening or during the night and once she allows me to massage it, it goes away pretty easy" Derek now looked into Bailey's eyes "I'm so proud of her" He smiled

"I see, go finish your and Meredith's stuff. You can go home if you want" Bailey smiled back

Derek found Meredith asap and they both finished their stuff and drove home

Derek scooped Meredith up and entered the house

"Derek, I can walk" She giggled

"I want you" Derek sat her down on the couch while his hands and lips explored her body "You're so beautiful"

"You don't have to lie" She whispered

Derek cupped her head in his hand "Mer, you are beautiful. I'm so happy you're still alive" He kissed her jawline and moved all the way to her breasts before he scooped her up again and carried her to their bedroom and threw her on the bed

"You wanna play it like that?" Meredith smirked

"I do" Derek laughed

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