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A few weeks went by and Meredith was bored out of her mind. She could barely move without someone's help even though her arm healed and her knee was getting better, she couldn't put any weight on her right leg and it frustrated her. Alex picked up the kids and brought them to school which caused a lot of tears from Ellis, she wanted to stay home even though she and her teacher kept saying the bullying was over

"Mer? Are you ready?" Derek asked her

"Can you help me with my shoe?" She asked, barely noticeable for Derek to understand what she said

"Of course" He replied and helped her put on her left shoe before scooping her up and carrying her to the car

"I'm scared for this appointment" Meredith sighed

"How does your leg feel?" Derek asked her as he placed his hand on her left thigh, just above the knee brace

"Weak.. itchy" She whispered "I can move my toes a bit without too much pain"

"That's great, Callie told you that was already a huge accomplishment" Derek smiled at her, showing how proud he felt

"I barely live in that hospital. All I do is go to PT appointments or appointments with my psychiatrist" She sighed

"Mer, you have already come such a long way, don't start to drop your head now. You're in the car without freaking out, do you have any idea how proud I am? Or when you talked to me the other day how something was triggering you? Mer, you have no idea how proud I am" Derek said while pulling the car to the side and looking in her eyes.

"I just feel so stupid" She muttered "It's stupid that I'm at the hospital but I'm not able to work, hell I'm not even able to walk inside those doors" She sobbed

"I know, but Callie will do everything she can to let you walk back in and even if it doesn't work out with the experimental therapy, you will walk through those doors again" Derek promised her

"I love you" She whispered and let her lips fall on his while her arm went around his waist. This was one of the first times she spontaneously pulled him closer in the past weeks

"I love you too and I'm damn proud of you, Meredith Grey" He smiled "You good?" He asked after the couple of seconds they zoned out as they were looking in each other's eyes

"I'm good" She said as she checked the time "I hope we won't be late" She chuckled


"Okay, Meredith. Your scans came back but I don't see as much progress as I would have wanted to see. I think if we would let you put pressure on it now, your bone would collapse so I would suggest another bone injection and wait a couple of weeks before we take new scans and then we'll see if PT can work on that, okay?" Callie told her

"So it didn't work?" She asked as her voice cracked

"No but I told you we could need a second transplant. This is still an experimental trial" Callie informed her

"When would you do it?" Derek asked her

"I have some time later this afternoon if that's okay for you?" Callie asked

"I think so" Meredith whispered

"I can ask Alex or Addison to go get the kids" Derek started

"Oh, I wanna ask Arizona? She's free tonight and I think Sophia would love a sleepover" callie suggested

"Would she mind coming over with the kids?" Meredith quietly asked "I really wanna see them"

"Of course not" Callie smiled "I'll go get a nurse to bring you to a room and I'll call Arizona" Callie said as she left the room

Meredith, who was still on the examination table was slightly sobbing so Derek climbed on the table and held her close

"It's gonna be just fine" Derek whispered in her ear

"I wanna go back to my normal self" She sobbed

"Soon, soon.." He soothed her


Derek was waiting in Meredith's room until she would wake up from the anastesia.

"Derek?" Arizona opened the door "I'm here with the kids" She smiled

"Let them in please" He smiled back

"Daddy!" They yelled and ran towards their father

"Is mommy asleep?" Bailey asked him

"Mommy will wake up soon. Do you wanna stay here until mommy wakes up?"

"Yes!" All three kids replied

"Arizona, is that okay for you?" Derek asked her as she took a seat

"Of course. Sophie is with Callie now, she'll be here soon if that's okay for you?"

"Of course, thanks again for taking the kids. I- this is an unusual situation" He sighed

"I understand, Derek. I really do" She gave him an encouraging smile

"I know you do" He said and wrapped his arms tighter around the kids

After a bit, Sophie joined them and the kids started playing on the ground except for Ellis who was asleep in Derek's arms when they noticed Meredith started to stir a bit

"I'll page Callie" Arizona said

"Mer?" He stood up and grabbed Meredith's hand, shifting Ellis a bit so he could hold her with his other arm

"Hmm" She groaned as she woke up

"Mommy!" Bailey and Zola jumped up

"Auwch" Meredith groaned as she shifted

"Callie will be here soon, Meredith" Arizona told her

Meredith fully opened her eyes and squeezed Derek's hand before smiling at the kids

"Meredith?" Callie asked as she stepped into the room "How do you feel?" She asked

"Sore.." Meredith whispered "Uncomfortable" She added after a couple of seconds

Callie went over to the half open cast and checked on Meredith's leg

"Do you feel this?" Callie asked as her pen touched Meredith's toes

"Yeah" Meredith sighed in relief

"Good" Callie smiled "I'll ask a nurse to administer some more pain meds and try to sleep. I'll stay here all night in case you need me" Callie smiled

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