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Seungmin grunted, as he tried pointlessly to drag himself away from the man.
"What.. the hell do you want.." He groaned, wincing as he tried to move his shattered leg.
"Attention, mainly. Maybe a bit of revenge, maybe both." Another male spoke, looking down at Seungmin with a smirk.

"We've got your DNA, you're doomed. Just hand yourself in." Seungmin grunted again, pushing himself against the wall.
The man walked towards the container.
"Oh, these?" He said, lighting a match.
"The rock may not burn, but I can deal with that later." He smirked, dropping the match into the container.

"You crazy bastard. You'll smoke up the place." Seungmin sneered.
"That's the point. The more demented you are, the better." He smirked, picking up a hammer.

"You're insane." Seungmin growled.
"Oh, I know. Well, I wouldn't say insane. More like, mentally deranged." The other male smiled, lifting the hammer up high.

"Night night, Seungmin." He smiled sadistically, his lips turning up in a sinister grin.

"I can't believer I ever trusted you. I guess trust is as fragile as paper. One crumple and it will never be the same again." Seungmin said. "I hope you rot."

With that, the man hit his hammer down hard, against the others skull again.
With a triumphant smile, the man left, hammer in hand.

Leaving the house to burn.

Leaving his old friend to die.

When I arrived, the house was engulfed in smoke, twisting into the darkened sky like silver serpents.

I opened the door hastily, running inside.
The smoke suffocated my lungs, ash choking me.

"SEUNGMIN!" I called out, looking around his home.
I found him crumpled in the living room, his limbs a bloodied mess, a large gash in his head.
I ran to his side, feeling for a pulse.

"Oh thank the heavens.. you're alive.. I'm," I coughed, lifting his arm around my shoulder, "I'm getting you out of here."

Seungmin grunted in agony, but he didn't move.

The house was blistering hot, the fire licking us as I clambered through the burning halls, parts of the roof and broken furniture falling in clumps of ash blocking my exit.

I felt my eyelids droop as breathing became harder and harder.
"Almost there.. Seungmin.." I whispered, stepping towards the door.

I felt myself weaken, dropping to my knees as I got outside.
Seungmin groaned weakly.
I lay next to him on the cold path.

"We got out.. surely.. help will be here soon.. I called Bang Chan on the way.." I said, looking into the alleyway as a saw a shadow slink away, before feeling my eyelids flutter as I fell into an endless blackness.

The ambulance, firefighters and police pulled up shortly, a detective van pulling up along side them.

The ambulance pulled the two individuals into them, placing oxygen masks against both of their faces.

"How did this happen." Detective Chan asked one of the police, looking towards the ambulance as it drove off.

"We don't know. There must have been a house fire. We'll investigate as soon as possible." The officer said.

"Will they be okay?" He asked.
"There's no way of knowing. Detective Seungmin, is in a particularly bad state. I would say someone came here to hurt him. No ones bones get that crushed that easily. If detective Y/N didn't come when they did, he would be dead on sight." The officer said.
"They ingested a lot of smoke and ash. I doubt either will wake up for awhile."

"Thank you." Detective Chan said, walking off back to his car.
He lay his head against the steering wheel.
"Please be okay.." He whispered, tears slipping down his cheeks, glistening in the pale moonlight.

Five days later
More murder cases occurred, and the detective agency continued on as five.
A few of the members occasionally visited the others in hospital, checking to see if they were conscious.

One day, Lee Know went to visit.
"My chest hurts.." Y/N murmured.
Lee Know turned his head. "Y/N!? Holy crap!! You're up!?" He said, rushing to your side.
"Yeah.. the hell happened.. it's so bright.. me and Seungmin.. there was smoke.." You whispered.

"Is Seungmin okay?? Where is he?" You asked, looking around.
"Hey hey, he's okay. He's still asleep, though. He won't be walking for awhile, that's for sure. Did you see anyone?" Lee Know questioned, holding my hand in his.

"There was.. a shadow.. I'd say male.. he was too far away for me to see him properly though.." I said.

"That's alright.. how do you feel?" He asked, squeezing my hand.

"Achy.. but not that tired.. can you bring the others here? I wanna tell Chan something- sorry, detective Chan." I said.

"You're not working so don't worry about formalities." Lee Know said, dialling someone with his other hand.

Shortly afterwards, all four of the outgrew clambered into the small hospital room.
"Thank goodness you're awake! The office has been a mess without you!" Changbin said, giving me a quick peck on the head.

"It really has been. We lost all our evidence the night of the fire.. the rock was intact, but it was caked in ashes." Hyunjin added.

"We've sent it to the lab, but they're not sure they'll be able to get much." Bang Chan sighed.

"Wasn't Seungmin meant to take the evidence to the labs on the way home?" I asked.
"It was closed by the time he got home." Jeongin sighed.

"I see.." I whispered.
"Anyway, we found a hammer out the back of Seungmins house at least.. and another letter." Felix added.

"Oh, really?" I said. "What did it say?"
Felix passed me my phone.
"It was sent as a message to your phone from Han's... they stole it amongst the evidence they burnt." He said.

I looked down at my phone.

"Stop ruining my fun, let me do this in peace. Interrupt me again, and it won't be pretty. I'm talking to you, Y/N."

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