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The meeting was no longer about supposed Jaw breaker suspects, instead, it was a new task. Finding Han's killer, and giving him justice.
All I could do was cry silently at the back of the room.

"From what the autopsy.. we've discovered that the method of murder is similar to that of our esteemed jaw breaker. Although, it's not the exact same. His jaw is broken in, and there's a bullet through his head, but asides from that, his body was relatively intact. Usually the- the victims limbs are torn off.. but his arms and legs bones were crushed instead.." Bang Chan said, his eyes glistening.

"I'm sorry- I can't do this.." He said, looking down, rubbing his eyes.

"Hey hey, Detective Chan, look, it's okay. We're all upset. We'll catch whoever did this." Felix said, standing up and rubbing Bang Chan on the back, pulling him into a small hug.
"So.. we're dealing with a copycat?" I asked, looking at the autopsy photos on the screen.

Looking at Han's distorted body, compared to a photo of him from before. To identify him.
"That's what it looks like. They must've not done much research, however. The police are sending us in to the scene as soon as we can. I understand if you don't want to come.." Detective Chan said.

"No, I'll come. I want to catch these bastards. They hurt one of us, after all." I said, wiping the tears from my soaked face.

"I'll come too. Han was like a little brother to me." Changbin said.
"Yeah, to me too." Hyunjin said.
"Alright.. Me, Changbin, Hyunjin and Y/N will head to the crime scene. The rest of you, we found more evidence from the most recent Jaw Breaker murder. Go analyse it in the evidence room. Come on, let's go." Detective Chan instructed, lacking away his things from the desk.

I stood up shakily.
He was my best friend, and now he's gone. Just like that.
I didn't even really get to say goodbye.

We walked out to the detective car, the four of us hopping inside, our bags in the back.
"Did he.. did he die at his house?" I asked as we drove.

"That's where we believe it went down.. his body was dragged down the alley down the side of the house."
"That's where.." I trailed.
"That's where they crushed his bones. He would've been dead by that time.. don't worry, he wouldn't of been in pain for long." Bang Chan reassured.

The rest of the drive was in silence, as we finally reached his house, a police car situated outside.
"Ah, Detective Chan! The fight must have happened in the kitchen, that's where the most blood is. We've stayed away to keep the area clean for you." An officer said.

"Thank you. Y/N, Hyunjin, grab the tools from the car." Bang Chan instructed, following the officer inside.

My body shook as I pulled the bag of detective equipment from the car.
"Y/N, are you alright?" Hyunjin asked.
"Yeah.. I'm just a bit.. shaken up by everything.. he was my best friend you know.." I said, tears trickling down.

"I know.. it's okay. We'll catch whoever did this." Hyunjin reassured.
I just nodded, before walking inside.
The house was in ruins. Furniture was scattered, photos smashed, and blood littered the floor in pools of crimson crystals.
"Oh my god..." I whispered, feeling the tears threaten to fall again.

"He must've put up quite a fight." I added.
"Yeah, he must have." Hyunjin said, passing the bag to Bang Chan.
Then we got to work. We put our gloves on, before we started looking around the room, looking for hair, shoe prints, blood that's discoloured, even clothes.

"Let's check in the alley. Come on, Hyunjin." I said, dragging him by the arm.
"I doubt there will be much there." Hyunjin pointed out.

"There might be something." I shrugged, walking outside, and into the alley.
I looked where the blood was splattered, and I looked in the bin.

"Bingo." I whispered, pulling a blood-covered rock from the bin.
"Oh crap it's heavy.. HYUNJIN!" I called.
He came rushing around the corner.
"That rocks huge! Let me take it from you." Hyunjin said, holding his hands out.
"You might contaminate it! Just get me Detective Chan, he has the finger print kit. I think we may have a lead."

Hyunjin rushed off, and I looked over the rock.

A light appeared from inside the open bin.
I walked over, rummaging through.
I found Han's phone. Unlocking it, I felt my stomach churn.
"Focus on me, my friends. Because next time I won't be as nice."

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